Hopemin - Second Chance

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Requested by @benhasnojams (happy birthday dude :D)


- mentions of anger and alcohol problems

- mentions of mpreg

Plot: Being an optimist, Jimin always wants to see the best in people. But there's someone he's just never been able to forgive.


Jimin's POV

I sigh as I catch a glimpse of my son's beaming grin from the corner of my eyes, leaning forward to undo the straps of the stroller so I can bring him into my lap. At 23 months, he's just started forming words, yet he's already extremely vocal about everything, making little gurgling sounds and babbling away.

"You really look like your dad, huh?" I smile sadly at him, brushing his downy black curls from his face. People don't tend to believe me when I tell them Changmin's my son - he's got gorgeous tan skin and a full head of raven-black hair, just like his dad, but he looks nothing like me.

Hoseok left me when I was 22. We were in college together - we were majoring in dance together, though both in different styles - and had been dating since I was a sophomore in high school. One day, I started feeling sick and tired, so my first thought was that I was run-down. I took it easy for a few weeks, but when I didn't get any better, I went to see my doctor. He ran some tests - blood, urine, the standard - and we discovered I was 16 weeks pregnant and had a vitamin D deficiency.

What hadn't crossed my mind at the time was how Hoseok would react. I'd planned on telling him on our anniversary, which was only about a week and a half later, but ended up blurting it out during an argument. He yelled a bit, I yelled a bit, we made up, and he disappeared without a trace a week later. Wouldn't pick up my calls, reply to my texts, anything like that.

Luckily, as time went on, I explained my situation to the dean and managed to get a suspension on my studies so I could focus on the baby. I got a little apartment just off-campus, so I was still near my friends, and eventually it was time for me to go in for my C-section. That day is - and forever will be - one of the most memorable days of my life. Getting to meet my baby boy, getting to hold him in my arms, and after everything I'd been through - it was all I wanted. My best friend Taehyung came to the hospital with me, staying in the place of my partner (since I didn't actually have one) and helping me with feeding and changing and all that, and I was allowed home a few days later.

"I love you so much," I coo, kissing the top of his head. He leans forward and presses a tiny kiss to my nose, before pulling back and grinning.

For a second, I think I see a familiar face, but the feeling fades after a few seconds. But then it comes back.

"Cute kid," says a voice. It sounds so familiar, like I've heard it so many times before, yet I can't put my finger on where from. "How old is he?"

"23 months," I turn to face the man, and it clicks in my mind. "You wanna sit?"

"Sure," he smiles back.

I shuffle up to make room, and he sits beside me. I see his hand resting on one thigh, and make a mental note of how similar it looks to Changmin's.

"My, uh, ex's son is probably around that age." he mumbles, just loud enough for me to hear, and stares at the ground. "I kinda flipped out at him when he told me he was pregnant."

"Well how do you feel now?"

He sighs. "I regret it every day."

"Maybe you should contact him," I suggest, considering whether to reach for his hand. "He might want to hear from you. Maybe he'll let you back into his life if you explain what happened."

"I doubt it."

"Well you might wanna ask, since you're talking to him."

He stares at me in disbelief for a few seconds, before frowning. "Jimin, I'm so sorry for everything I did: the fighting, the disappearing," he quietens his voice slightly. "I was an asshole to you. Both of you."

"So what made you come back?"

"I guess I'll start from the beginning... I met some shady people while we were in college. I tried some illegal drugs, some legal ones, got into alcohol, dropped out. When you told me you were pregnant, I hadn't been going to classes for 3 or 4 months, and I was just pissed."

"And after that?"

"About a year down the line, I woke up in a cheap motel, surrounded by empty bottles and with my clothes all ripped and dirty, and felt like someone was repeatedly hitting me with a 10-tonne truck. I knew I needed help, so I joined an AA group."

"Looks like it worked."

"Yeah, I guess I really cleaned up my act." he gives a wry chuckle. "It was difficult at first - I fell off the wagon a few times - but my friends and family helped me get through it. I got some help for my alcoholism and anger issues, got a job and an apartment, fixed most of my relationships, and I enrolled back at college so I can have another go at getting my degree."

Seeing him like this, so genuinely happy, it makes me smile.

"Anyway, I came back to ask for a second chance from you." he takes my hand. "I want to try again."

"I don't know, Hobi..." I bite my lip. "I want a lasting relationship with someone who's going to take care of me and Changmin, someone who can be a good boyfriend and a good father. If you start drinking again..."

"Then you can kick me out. I'll help provide for you both, and I'll treat you right. All I'm asking for is one chance."

"Still, I'm not sure..."

He pouts at me, and I can see tears glistening in his eyes. "Give me a month. A month to prove to you that I can treat you the way you deserve to be treated, and that I can be a good dad. Please, Jimin. I want to be there for you and Changmin."

"Alright," I agree, nodding. "One month, and if anything happens, you're out."

2 years later...

3rd Person POV


The four-year-old turns at the sound of his name, eyes shining in the light and his lips pushed into a gentle pout. "Hm?"

Hoseok can't help but smile, and he crouches beside him. "Bedtime now, okay?"

"Otay, Daddy!" the boy nods, happily putting down the blocks he's playing with. He tidies them away, making sure they're all in their box, before waddling over to his bed and trying to climb onto it. But since he's not exactly the tallest kid in the world, it's no easy task.

"Here you go, baby,"

"T'ank'u," smiles the younger, letting his father tuck him in. "Wove'ou."

"I love you too," Hoseok kisses his forehead. "Goodnight, prince."

"Night-night, Daddy."

He gets up and leaves the room, turning the light off and leaving the door slightly ajar to let a tiny amount of light through, then returns to the living room where Jimin's sitting on the couch and staring at the TV.

"Changmin in bed?"

"Yeah, just put him down."

"Wanna watch a movie then?"

"Sure," the elder agrees, taking a seat beside him. He sighs contentedly, wrapping his arms around his fiancé's waist as he pulls the latter into his lap. "Thank you for giving me a second chance."

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