Yoongi x Reader - Bathroom Break

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Requested by @DawnMorningGlory


- fluff

- yoongi x reader (female)


Yoongi and his newly-wedded wife take a camping trip, and since BTS are on a break from their hectic schedule, he invites the other members to tag along. But Y/N is harbouring a little secret under her shirt, one that she hasn't yet told her husband about, even though she's known about it for several weeks now.


3rd Person POV

"You want any help with those?"

Y/N glances over her shoulder, noticing her husband coming up behind her. "No, I'm fine." she reassures, shifting the tent bags onto her other shoulder, and briefly looks around. "So the others are gonna meet us here?"

"Actually, I think Jimin and Seokjin are already here somewhere..." Yoongi pauses, squinting as he manages to focus on a tiny pair of blurry figures at the other end of the field. "Yeah, they're over there."

Nodding, Y/N clears her throat, then gives a playful smirk.

"What?" asks the shorter, noticing her sudden change of expression.

"Race you over there?"

"Darling, you know I don't care much for exercise." sighs the male, breaking out into a small smile. "But since it's for you, I'll do it."


Yoongi's POV

After a while, the others joined us at the campsite, and after all of us had set up our stuff, we got to work collecting pieces of wood and dry, brushy scrub to build a campfire. Though, when we'd finished, we realised we didn't have any matches.

But apparently Jeongguk never goes anywhere without a piece of flint, so we were fortunately able to get the fire going within a few minutes. Jin-hyung brought his guitar too, so the eight of us were sat around the roaring fire, singing songs and sharing jokes and stories. Well, the others were, but I was just sitting in silence and trying not to show how happy I was to be there. Because, as cold as I might seem, I love being surrounded by the people I care about.

"Yoongi," a hear a soft voice mumble, and Y/N squeezes my hand to get my attention. I lean back slightly, so her ear's right next to my face.

"Bathroom again?" I whisper back, and she nods. The two of us get up and begin to walk away, off into the woods towards the campsite's little bathroom. The others have stopped questioning now, since we've been leaving every half hour or so. To be honest, I'm starting to worry a little about her. I mean, I know she's been drinking a lot of water, and she's been kinda tired, but something just doesn't feel right.

"I'll be right here," I tell her, waiting outside the door as she goes in to do whatever she needs to do. I take a seat on the bench outside, my back resting against the brick wall. Once she's finished up, I take her hand, and gently sit her down next to me.

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" I ask her, my tone laced with anxiety. "You've been needing the bathroom a lot. I mean, a lot."

She glances down, biting her lip. I squeeze her hands, not saying another word. I can tell she knows what it means though - that I'm genuinely concerned about her health.

"Alright, I'll tell you." she mumbles, looking back up and staring me directly in the eyes. "But you have to promise me you won't get mad."

I give her a reassuring smile. "Babe, nothing could ever make me mad at you."

"I'm pregnant."

"You... You're pregnant?" I blink in disbelief. "No... You're messing with me, right?"

Y/N shakes her head, tears beginning to form in her eyes. Fuck, I have to say something to reassure her, and to tell her I'm okay with it.

"Hey, it's okay." I whisper, pulling her into a hug and gently kissing her temple. "I'm really not mad at you."

The crying ceases within a few minutes, and I gingerly wipe away the tears from her cheeks, pecking her on the forehead. She seems to want to say something, but can't find the words.

"B-But you... you'll want m-me to get rid o-of it..."

"Y/N, look at me." I grip her shoulders gently. "I'm not angry, and it doesn't matter what I want you to do - all that matters is what you want to do. And if keeping the baby is what you want, we'll keep the baby. I'm indifferent."

"Y-You mean it?"

I nod, grinning. "If I could choose anyone in the world to have kids with, I'd choose you. I love you, Y/N. Why else do you think I married you? I just..." I give a sigh, but it's not a disappointed one. "I wish you would've told me sooner. If you had, I wouldn't have made you come out camping with us."

Noticing my smile seems to put her at ease, as she leans in to rest her forehead against mine. I take the action as a chance to kiss her, to which she also smiles, and relaxes her shoulders. We sit there in silence for a while, just staring into one another's eyes and sharing this perfectly sweet moment, before pulling away.

"Come on, let's head back before the others start getting suspicious."

We make our way back through the woods, and return to our seats on one of the logs around the fire. The flames have died down a bit now, and so has the noise; Seokjin's still strumming his guitar, but it's only quiet, and he isn't singing anymore, so it's just contributing to the ambience. Unsurprisingly, some of the members - namely Jeongguk, Hoseok and Jimin - have already fallen asleep, or are near enough.

I glance to my left, and see Y/N sitting happily beside me, a small smile gracing her lips. The glow of the fire makes her eyes twinkle, so they look just like the stars above us, little fragments of hope breaking through the thick blanket of darkness that covers the sky.

And never have I had a moment, other than our wedding, where I loved Y/N any more than I do right now, in this very instance.

A/N: This is the first BTS x Reader oneshot I've done, so I apologise if it's badly-written. I didn't hate the process of creating it, so maybe I'll do some more if people request them.

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