Minjoon - Cheater, Cheater, Not Actually A Cheater

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- cheating

Plot: Namjoon comes home to quite a rude awakening - he's been cheated on. But he apparently misread the situation, and now he's never felt stupider.


"Baby, I'm home!"

With no response, Joon begins to search the apartment for his boyfriend. However, as he reaches the bedroom, the sight in front of him does nothing less than light a fire in the pit of his stomach. Clothes strewn carelessly across the floor, and lying on the bed - his bed - is Jimin. But not just him, Jungkook. The smaller has his head tucked into the former's neck, and both are in just t-shirts and their underwear.

"What the fuck?" he mumbles to himself, staring at the two males. He doesn't want to wake them up, so takes a few of his things from the closet and drawers - deliberately leaving them open once he's done - and throws them into a bag before leaving.

Once outside, he takes a seat on the apartment steps and removes his phone from his pocket, knowing exactly who to call.

"Hey, something's happened, can I sleep on your couch for a couple days?"

"Yeah, of course. But you don't have to sleep on the couch, I'll make up the spare room for you."

"Thanks," he sighs. "I'll be there in, like, 20 minutes."

Half an hour later...

"So why did he cheat on you?"

"I honestly have no idea," Namjoon shrugs, glancing at his best friend. "I just came home and there he was, almost naked, in bed with Jungkook."

"Wait, you walked in on them and caught them in the act?"

"No, they were asleep, but it's pretty clear what had happened. I don't know, I just... thought he was more loyal than that, y'know?"

"I get it," Yoongi nods and takes a seat beside him. "Me and Jin had the same thing a little while back, but it turns out it was just a big misunderstanding."

"I kinda wanna break up with him for it, but I do really love him..."

"Here's how I see it: it's the first time, right? And if he's really sincere and tries to apologise, and you really love him, don't end it."

"I guess you're right, Yoon." the younger gives a sigh. "I'll give him some space, and see if he tries to apologise."

A week later...

Namjoon wakes up to a sharp knocking at the front door. Yoongi has an early meeting, so he and Seokjin left a little while ago, leaving him alone. He reluctantly gets up to answer it, finding an anxious-looking Jungkook behind it.

"Jimin said you'd be here," he says. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure." mumbles the elder, letting him inside and sitting next to him on the couch.

"He didn't do anything, by the way. I tried, but he wasn't into it, and now I just... I'm really sorry. I was lonely, and I know that's not a good enough excuse, but nothing happened between us. The only thing Jimin did was comfort me."

There's a brief silence before Namjoon speaks up again. "To be clear, nothing happened?"

"All we did was sleep, I swear."

"I guess I overreacted. I mean, I left without saying anything or asking you what had happened. And I hate holding grudges, so I forgive you. Both of you."

"It's that easy?" the younger stares at him in disbelief, before giving a little smile. "So, um, do you think you could come back now? It's just that, when you left, Jimin thought it was because you don't like how he's changed recently, so he's kinda upset about it."

"Yeah, alright, I'll go see him in a bit."

25 minutes later...

Exhaling sharply, Namjoon raises his fist to knock on the door. It feels weird, knocking when he lives there, but the thought of just opening the door and acting like nothing happened seems foreign and wrong. His other hand is behind his back, clutching a bouquet of gardenias and tulips which he plans on handing to the younger. It seems pretty cliché, asking for forgiveness with flowers, but he knows they're Jimin's favourites.

He hears the chain being undone on the inside, before it opens. His boyfriend stands there in just his boxers, hair in a tangled mess, rubbing his eyes. It's clear he hasn't been awake for long, as there are a few pillow creases still present on his face.

"Baby, I'm so fucking sorry." the taller sighs, voice breaking as he throws his arms around the younger. "I'm an asshole, I know, but I want to make things better."

"I'm sorry too," Jimin says into his neck. "I just thought you didn't like who I was..."

"Shh, I know. But I love you so much, and you don't need to change at all if you don't want to."

"Don't cry, hyungie. I don't like seeing you sad."

"Can you forgive me for being a dick?"

"Of course," a gentle peck on the lips. "And you're not a dick. You're my boyfriend, and I love you. C'mon, let's go inside."

An hour later...

"Thank you for the flowers, hyungie."

Namjoon gives a little smile and passes his fingers through his boyfriend's hair. Since he came home, they've been in bed together, just cuddling to make up for the week they've spent apart. Well, cuddling isn't all they've been doing, but I'll leave the rest up to your imagination.

"That's alright, baby. I know they're your favourites, so I thought it'd be nice to buy you some. Thanks for forgiving me."

The younger also smiles, and he shuffles back so his back rests against the taller's chest. "You're welcome, Joonie-hyung. I just did what you would do."

"That's sweet, love. But you can drop the 'hyung', alright? It just feels weird."

"Alright... Joonie."

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