Jikook - Lazy

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Requested by @Aries349 


- fluff



Jimin's POV

"I love you,"

"I love you more,"

"You're lying," I chuckle, tucking myself further under the blanket so my boyfriend and I's bodies are closer together. We haven't done much today; it's a Saturday, and we've both got the weekend off, so we've spent the day watching movies and cuddling in bed. And now it's dark, it's gotten a lot colder, so we've got an excuse to stay put.

"You're so mean~" Jungkook pouts with feigned sadness. "I don't want your hugs or kisses anymore."

Grinning, I lean in and peck his lips. "We both know that's a lie. I'm the perfect size for cuddling, and my kisses," I do it again, "are unparalleled."

"True," he smirks playfully, tapping his cheek. I move to kiss it, but as I do, he turns his head so our lips meet.

"You little shit,"

"You're the little one here, hyungie."

I don't reply, simply tucking my head into his chest and sighing contentedly. It's been months since we've been able to just stay in bed all day without having to worry about anything, so it's nice to finally get the time.

"Tired?" I ask.

"A little,"

I smile and pass my fingers through his hair, admiring how the action makes his eyes flutter closed and a small yawn slip past his lips. "Cute."

"I'm not cute, I'm tough." he insists, giving a weary smile and letting his head fall back against the pillow. "But tough people need lots of sleep, so let me be."

"Alright, tough guy." I kiss his cheek, getting ready to go to sleep as well. "Goodnight."

"Night, hyung."

Well that was shit ._.

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