Yoonjin - Cheat

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Yoongi's POV

"Yoon, I'm gonna go meet Taehyung." Jin says, grabbing his coat. "I'll be back around... 7?"

"But it's only 9am," I pout at him. "You're gonna be gone all day?"

He flashes a sympathetic smile. "You'll be okay." he reassures, running his fingers through my hair. "I'll see you later, yeah?"

"Mm, alright."

I wait until he's gone before turning onto my stomach and grabbing the nearest cushion, holding it to my chest as I tremble and a few tears leak out. Every day for the past 2 months he's been going out with Taehyung. Every fucking day. They just get on so well together, it makes me paranoid. I know he loves me, but still...

Sniffling, I grab my phone. There's one person who'll know what to do, and it's only a few seconds before they pick up. "What's up, hyung?"

"C-Can you come over? I just... need someone to talk to."

"Yeah, of course, I'll be there in 10."

"Th-The door's unlocked so j-just come in when you get here."

Just as he promised, Hoseok arrives 10 minutes later, a grocery bag in his hand. "I brought the sadness kit," he tells me, putting it on the coffee table and taking a seat beside me. "Ice cream, potato chips, chocolate, and if all else fails, I've got liquor."

I curl up, leaning into him. "I don't know what to do, Hobi. H-He's just... He gets up in the morning and goes to meet Taehyung, he comes back late because he's been with Taehyung, all he does is talk about meeting Taehyung. I dunno, it just feels like... like he doesn't have time for me anymore. Do you... I don't even wanna say it..."

"I'm sure it's nothing, Yoongi-hyung. You've been together for nearly 2 years, so I highly doubt he's cheating on you. And if they were together, I'm sure Tae would've told Jimin. They've got their 'tell each other everything' policy, remember? And since Jimin's close to both of us, he would've said something."

"Yeah, but..."

"Hey, I get it. A little while ago, I got upset with Namjoon because he was never home, but we talked about it, and it got better."

"So what do I do?"

"Talk to him." he smiles at me, hand on my shoulder. "What could go wrong?"



I open my eyes at the sound of the door closing, and see Seokjin standing there. He's smiling, but that changes as he takes in the surroundings, specifically the half-empty soju bottle on the table and the hoodie I'm wearing, which is most definitely neither of ours.

"Hyung, we need to talk."

"Don't bother." he says, vainly trying to hide the fact that he's clenching his fists. "Just tell me who, Yoongi."

"Hoseok came over, so what? I needed him."

"Needed him for what?"

"To comfort me."

"Excuse me?" he furrows his brow. "Why couldn't I have done that? As your boyfriend, it's my job to comfort you."

"Well maybe I would've asked you if you were ever fucking here!"

He looks taken aback by my sudden outburst. "Baby, let me-"

"Zip it," I hold a finger up. "You wake up, you go out to meet Taehyung. You come home, you've been out with Taehyung. All you ever talk about is Taehyung. Do you not care that I'm your boyfriend? Am I not good enough for you?"

"Yoongi, it's not like that. Tae's just-"

"Do you not know I have feelings, Jin? I have fucking feelings, and you being gone every day isn't helping those feelings!"


"Get out."

"What?" he stares at me, mouth agape. "Baby, don't-"

"I said, get out!" I point to the door. "Go!"

Once he's gone, I sigh and throw myself onto the couch, hot tears streaming down my cheeks. "I fucked up."

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