72 - The Elves

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In a particular part of the Flowerhead Forest, the void suddenly cracked until a new scenery appear, which makes the place looks strange for a moment. In that circular door, a beautiful man and a gorgeous teen girl with a purple hair hop out from there.

Of course, it was Cole and Celia.

After he fully check all the improvement inside the [Inner World], he immediately wanted to resume his unfinished business before. After he thought, he decided that the matter about the elves are the most pressing. He's already very late with the so called competition at the Five Element Sect and there's no more pressing matters than this, he thought. However, he just hope that Harold is still in the cave, if not, he don't know where to find their place much less to help them.

And so, along with Celia, he open a newly improved [Gate] near the cave.

Without stopping for a moment, he control the gravitational pull of himself and fly towards the place. Celia obviously follow.

"There's a person inside, it's the Harold guy from Woodland Elf Clan before." Celia said seconds later after they land at the entrance of the cave.

Cole look at her puzzled and ask, "You can see through walls now?"

She shrug, "In a sense, yes, but not quite." She paused, "The special move that I used is called [Divine Sense]. It was the ability to see things through soul or to some point, the sixth sense. Its very useful and must have for cultivators and beast alike."

He nodded and was about to try when a cloaked man appear at the mouth of the cave. It was none other than Harold, probably one of the Archer Warrior of Woodland Elf Clan that was tasked with researching help or possible solution of their dying Tree of Life.

However, eventhough he was relieved that latter was still here, he still felt bad when he thought that he were gone for almost nine years, leading him to conclusion that the guy wait for him for all those years...

Suddenly, a special skill appear on his mind, [Time Dilation]!

Was it possible that less than nine years had passed on that independent space but different at the real world?! After all, there was a [Ethereal Time Crystal] in the grand formation!

He asked the [Purifying Evil Radiance Orb] that that was in his Sea of Consciousness about this,

"Yes, the time inside the space was different from the outside world. If I'm not wrong, the time difference inside is 1:10, ten days inside but only one day outside." It paused, "In fact, I was inside that space for a very long time that I come to the point that I just stop counting the passing days..."

Cole just nodded to the artifact spirit and he sunk on his own thought.

According to the time difference of the independent space of 1:10, the eight years that passed inside was just less than ten months outside... Wow! Although ten months is still a long time and disrupt most of his past tasks, it was way more better than eight years!

"You're back, seniors. Greetings." Harold greeted after he removed the his disguise, relief apparent on his voice.

Cole nodded, "Yes, but I'm sorry if we're a bit late."

Harold hurriedly shake his head, "Not a problem senior, not at all!" He paused and look at the pair with hopeful eyes, "Are your tasks finished? You'll accompany me back now?" He asked.

Cole laugh dryly inside.

"Uh-hm... I could now. But remember, I don't have the ability to solve the problem of your Tree of Life, I will only try to help you determine the problem."

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