77 - Yin-Yang Paradise

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To think that there's a member of Red Skull Bandit in this intruders group!

"Celia," he called but continue his sentence with their [Soul Link], "I want you to read that man's memory," he said looking at the savaged man who exclaimed at him maniacally, "I'll open a small [Gate] here and on top of the man's head, direct the [Parasitic Worm Mist] in there."

Celia nodded her head and they immediately commence their plan.

A small portal open at the top of Celia's palm, and at the same time, a small worm made of purple mist appear on her hand. The moment it was formed, it dive into the spatial passage and reappear at the savaged man's head, it immediately drill into it.

The whole process was so fast, as though it happen in instant.

The whole group of intruders are made up of strong cultivators, their line-up is so amazing, making them confident which made them unconsciously lower their guard. In addition, the place they intrude are the infamous Dark Forest which is known as a inferior place with almost nothing of natural treasure, infested with low level beast which don't have any value at all with their current level.

With all of that thought, the whole group are confident with their capabilities which makes them complacent.

Cole and Celia's coordinated move happen so smooth, making them dry laughly. Sometimes, overconfidence is also bad.

Meanwhile, the savaged man's arrogant smile instantly vanish and its face paled. He's a member of infamous Red Skull Bandit group, his soul have a very powerful formation that could annihilate him instantly. That certain formation also have a very powerful defensive ability for which to avoid circumstances of it being triggered by small and weak power.

But the purple worm actually drilled into it as though it was a paper!

In that instant, the purple worm appear on his Sea of Consciousness where all the memories of him are stored. It dive into the Sea which lasted for just a before it got out, as though its running for its life.

The purple worm drilled out of his glabella and saw it vanish in an instant. He should be happy that the foreign entity only intrude his soul for a second and didn't make a residence there, but he knew that because of that second intrusion, he's finished for. The soul formation's self destruct protection got activated...

Not even a second past and the man's seven orifices started to bleed like a flowing water, as though his head have a spring of blood.

"Pa—" he managed to utter before he plop to the ground.

The other intruders look at the dead body shocked, trying to believe that all of it is just a bluff.

"I don't want to read another memory of others. Just use your ability and copy my [Soul Search] skill and use it to the [Parasitic Worm Mist]." She said to Cole after she saw the worm mist drilled out of man's glabela.

Cole nodded and look at the wriggling small worm that was floating on his hand, then he follow Celia's instruction;

"[Soul Mimicry Arts, Soul Search]!"

Then series of scenes flash through his eyes like a very long movie, and an unrated one of that.

"You want to annihilate that so called Red Skull Bandit group right, Master? Don't worry, it'll be quite easy, I should say. My special technique is the greatest bane of the formation in their soul!" She said loudly, almost shouting, as if she's afraid that the other party won't hear what she say.

The other member of Red Skull Bandit in the intruders group snap out in their trance and look at Celia with great hatred in their eyes. But the fear and anxiety can't be concealed by them, it was very apparent on their face, specially those with weak will.

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