10 - Chaos System

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Half an hour later, a screen appear in front of Cole.

An error occur, reviving failed! Connecting to network...
Connection Complete!
Updating database...
Downloading database...
Database Updated.

An error occur, reviving failed!
System Failure.
Shutting Down.
Minutes later...

The sun was shining really bright today. There were no even a speck of clouds can be seen on neat sky today.

A farmer was tilling the field and doing his work somewhere. Eventhough he feels like dying becuase of heat, he still continue was he was doing. It rained the day before, so the field was soaked and easy to plow now. If he didn't persist, their harvest this year will be low and his family will not last for the coming winter.

Winter with low food in stock is a nightmare specially for commoner themselves. If they don't stock up starting now, his worst nightmare will happen again.

Last year, a group of bandits attacked their village. They were fortunate, as no one in his family member were hurt becuase they enter their secret hideout the second they hear the warning for bandits. Unfortunately, most of their food was not.

Their house that time looks like a great disaster. Everything was out place. Fortunately, the bandits didn't see where they hide their emergency only stock of food. Eventhough there were food left, it wasnt enough. They only ate once a day throughout the winter, even that one time a day was not satisfying. They go through that winter, except for his eldest daughter.

Lesson learned, he works harder than ever. He even make the food secret compartment more bigger to store more. And his only son will become seven year old this year, and as a father, he got a big dream for his obedient son. He wants to save up and buy the cheapest he can find cultivation method as a birthday gift. Sadly, even the cheapest cultivation method is like a heaven for him, it's out of his reach. He doesn't have a better solution but to work harder.

The farmers name was Richard.

Suddenly, the neat and shining sky became a cloudy. It was so dark as if the night had already appear. Minutes later, rumbling sound can be heard from above. Richard felt completely horrified. He left his work and run to his home. After arriving inside, he saw her wife and son completely unharmed. Relief wash over his body. He hugs the both of them and brought them to their secret hideout. However, before they can enter there, his son told him that the sun was shining again. He looked outside and sigh. Whatever it was, it's completely fine as long as we're alive.

Every powerhouses in the plain were in uproar. A phenomenon appear! It may have been Heaven's Son has appeared in this world, or a incredible treasure appear. Whatever it was, powerhouses mobilize their force and finds the answer themselves.
Meanwhile, the screen with loading icon suddenly changed.

Connection Successful.
System Updated.
System Change.


If there were someone near Cole right now and saw what was happening, they'll probably go insane!

The critical wound on Cole's body started to close. After the wound was healed, his heart that has been damaged and stopped beating before, has started beating again. Minutes later, Cole's body completely working again. No one can't even tell that he was dead before.

Reviving Complete!

Cole's closed eyes suddenly open while he sat up gasping for air. He gasp for air until his throat was aching. He felt like his lungs never had an air before.

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