63 - Heaven's Connection

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Summoning Grimoire acquired the skill '[Heaven's Connection]'.

Heaven's Connection
Created a constant connection to Heaven. The [Inner World] is now recognized as a part of the planet as an special independent space and can absorb energy outside. (The higher the number of Spiritual Vein inside and its rank, the faster the absorption of the energy.)
Restriction(s) : The thickness of energy can only be two stages higher than the user. The excess energy then will be used for expanding the [Inner World]'s space.

The moment the [Gate] close and the notification appear on Cole's eyesight, the [Summoning Grimoire] close and some changes occur on its covers. Some indescribable lines appear on it like a tree's roots. The process only lasted for only a minute before those lines started to vanish one by one and return on its original appearance. Only, the equipment looks more beautiful and glossier than before.

Cole look at the [Summoning Grimoire] excitedly and he shake Celia to wake her up from her stupor while he silently chanted [Gate] and open a portal leading inside the [Inner World].

Celia jolted and recover from her shock and is greeted by her smiling Master and the blurred [Gate].

"Come on! We have to check the improvement inside the [Inner World]!" Cole beacon Celia excitedly.

Without further a do, Cole enter the [Inner World] while Celia follow immediately.

The whole space didn't change much. The most apparent improvement was the continuous thickening of available energy inside. Eventhough it was just a second after the new improvement, the energy already improve by small degree.

Meanwhile, the Spiritual Spring was located beside the Messiah Tree, and there was a swimming two blue fish on it. It was Pisces. It was apparent that Pisces like the Spiritual Spring very much. It was because that water was literally a rich, liquefied energy, and for an Elemental Spirit just like them, that Spiritual Spring water was greatest treasure for them.

"The energy inside is getting richer and richer every minute!" Bell appear and exclaimed excitedly to Cole.

Cole smile and answered, "Yep." He then pointed at the Spiritual Spring and said jokingly, "Now, go on. Soak and cultivate in their too before Pisces use all of them."

Bell immediately fly fast toward the pond, fearing that treasure will be absorb by Pisces if she's second more delayed.

Cole laughed inside specially when he saw Bell's expression. What she didn't know that it was only a small joke. The energy that small pond contain was enough to send one beast to Tier-7; if Pisces managed to absorb it all, he'll be more than happy.

Sadly, they were still inhibited by their Soul Contact and their strength should be the same with their Master.

Cole can't help but ask the busy voice in his head who called himself the Chaos System; "System, do you have any solution?"

Series of notification immediately appear on his eyesight;

Searching solution...
Search complete.

Best solution :
Due to Myriads Beast Soul-Branch Technique, the host's soul was as powerful as Ninth-Level Core Formation-Stage cultivator. Do you want to release the restriction and set to another?
(Possible upto Ninth-Level of Core Formation-Stage)
[Caution : Has a great chance to overpower host's soul and contracted creatures may sever the Soul Contract.(non-soul bounded)]

Tips : Soul Bound Beast who form a Soul Fruit with host can have one-stage higher cultivation due to much deeper connection. Host have to do this manually.
(Soul Fruit represent the deep connection of the tamer and the contracted beast.)

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