146 - Whitecloud Sheep of Misfortune

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Unlike ferocious, black beast that want nothing but to cause destruction, Cole did not expect that the source of black aura was a sweet looking child with cute pair of horns!

Furthermore, contrary to the thick black aura that plauge the area, the said child was spotlessly white. It was so white that it felt sacred.

However, its name say all Cole need to know!

Whitecloud Sheep of Misfortune
Level : Seventh-Level Tier-5
Affinity : Fate
Type : Beast
Potential : Divine
Description : An unusual beast that's both cursed and blessed by fate. Capable of plundering the luck of everything in the surrounding while infecting them with aura of misfortune passively.

This little beast could actually spread bad luck to others!

Unluckiness... This is one mysterious and extremely terrifying concept. And one thing that makes it terrifying is that one can't guard about this effect! Just like time, fortune and misfortune was also one of untouchable force of the heaven!

Stepping on shit on the road and losing on gambling was one of the perfect example of unluckiness.

However, those was considered nothing and simple.

The extreme misfortune was like those dying with choking on their food!

And in cultivation world, misfortune could cause more sever effect! Like being attacked by one's own demon in the middle of cultivation. Or like stumbling into forbidden, deadly hidden grounds.

This existence... was one of every cultivator want to exterminate as soon as possible!

It's no wonder Divinre place his son on deep part of the forest where there's no human cultivators settlement or beast lairs who can be infected with aura of misfortune.

However, this might be the possible solution for the meantime but this will be a bad thing for the beast. Being isolated will cause many negative effect to it like having a twisted personality. Its bad for mental health.

The little child was soundly asleep. He don't know whether is was just asleep to past time or it was sealed in asleep state.

If Cole don't have the [Heavenly Eyes] that give him the ability to see through things that can't be seen by normal eyes, he won't be able to fathom that this sweet child is actually a living curse.

Out of all the creature of this world, Divinre himself as a beast that dabble with the arts of Fate knew how deadly his own first born. However, as a parent, Cole could tell that the latter can't end his own son's life.

But his son was a massive danger which Divinre is also painfully aware to. With the natural gift as a divine beast, even if his son don't cultivate, it will continue to grow as time pass on.

Perhaps for now, Divinre could still control the curse of misfortune but time will come that it will be uncontrollable.

For a long time, Divinre is steeling himself to have a courage to abandon or kill his own son.

But the sudden appearance of Cole gave Divinre hope. After all, there's no sane parent want to abandon or kill his own child.

"Since I brought you here, you should be able to tell what favor I want to ask."

Cole just nodded his head in response.

Without a doubt, the other's favor was for him to contract this little child beast. However, its strange characteristic makes him hesitate. Eventhough his [Immortal Purity True Phoenix Flame] could burn the 'impure' misfortune aura, it will pose a big problem to his pets, including his family members that's living inside the [Inner World].

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