189 - Midas Touch!

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Species Name : Gold Duck
Beast Name : ∅
Level : Ninth-Level Tier-5 Magical Beast (99.9%)
Loyalty : 99%
Potential : Divine (True)
Affinity : Metal (Gold)
Race : Beast/Gold Duck
Innate : Primordial Rainbow Gold Dragon Vein Tract, Sea of Flowing Gold Blood, Indestructible Gold Flame City Furnace, Growing Gold Treasure Egg, Edible Gold Essence Egg
Beast Skill : Gold Devour Domain, Indestructible Gold Shirt
Concept : Crawling Gold (30%)

As expected, the Gold Duck egg do nurture a extraordinary beast. It was a Divine-Rank beast.

Only, unlike Celia and Groot, this newly hatched beast were purely an auxiliary beast specialist, specifically, it was a resource producing divine beast.

Cole thought so after reading its Innate Abilities and Beast Skills.

First, the very essence of Gold Duck first Innate Ability, the Primordial Rainbow Gold Vein Tract, is that everything it consume and enter its body would turn into gold. This means its droppings and pee is solid and liquid gold. Cole is not yet sure if whether the converted gold contains spiritual energy or not which would affect its value.

The second Innate Ability of Gold Duck, the Sea of Flowing Gold Blood, makes its blood contains the characteristic of gold. At first glance, it looks like it wasn't much except it makes the beast become more valuable, but after more careful thought, having a gold blood means it basically resistant to blood controlling technique like the core inheritance of Blood Demon's Creed. This ability also gave Gold Duck an ability to control liquefied gold like it was manipulating water.

Its third Innate Ability, the Indestructible Gold Flame City Furnace, is probably an ability derived from the Golden Source Divine Flame. This ability were like the Divine Kingdom of False God, it was a summonable independent space capable of supporting life. Cole don't have a clear image of its appearance but according to description, there was a remnant Golden Source Divine Flame in its middle that could temper, refine and convert anything into gold-type resource. It didn't have much use but it was a perfect place for Golden Bee hive and it was also a divine cultivation ground for cultivating a body tempering technique like the core inheritance of Golden Perseverance Temple. Cole already made a plan to acquire a golden body tempering cultivation method and nurture his own golden body cultivators legion.

In this manner, Cole intend to ask Baldy. It was one of the supreme treasure of Buddhist cultivation faction and might have known several cultivation method. Cole don't have much interest of cultivation method of buddhist path since he don't desire being bald more than anything else but it was now different that he has a good source of resources for cultivating the golden body art.

This Indestructible Gold Flame City Furnace also gave Gold Duck to consume any type of flame and inherit part of its ability. For instance, it could consume Celia's Ice Cold Heavenly Flame to acquire a cold attribute.

Its fourth Innate Ability, the Growing Gold Treasure Egg, is its main bloodline ability that could create and produce natural treasure of heaven and earth. Currently, due to its current cultivation, it was only capable of nurturing a Monarch-Rank Gold Resources like Monarch-Rank Heavy Gold, Sharp Gold and Light Gold. It was a good type of gold that could be created into weapons that can be heavy like hammer, added sharpness for swords and gold that reduce its weight, perfect for increasing the attack speed.

Gold Duck could also use the capability of Indestructible Gold Flame City Furnace to produce a Growing Gold Treasure Egg that contains attributes of other elements like coldness of ice, malleability of water, added sturdiness of earth and many more.

Its last Innate Ability, the Edible Gold Essence Egg is an special resource that could help on golden body cultivation. It sounds worthless to other but to some individuals, it was a vital resource that its worth dying and contending for. It was like a specific pill with its own unique use and purpose. Of course, should he decided to nurture a group of body cultivators that focus on cultivating a golden body, this Edible Gold Essence Egg would become his main resource for their growth. Not to say that the current Golden Bee hive could also use this certain resource.

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