48 - I Have Three Affinity : Space, Water and Wood

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"Big brother, I'm here to join your [Beast-Tamer League]!" Ricky exclaimed happily.

Cole smile and ruffle Ricky's head, "Of course, you do." He was already expecting this. "But before I accept you, you have to own beast as it was the most important rule and requirement of my league." He added. But he's sure that Ricky will find beast not because it was the requirement to join the league but because he's also cultivating the [Heavenly Beast God Technique] which he have to have a contract one sooner or later.

Also, as he stated before, the most very important requirement of his league was owning their own beast. This was the rule he have thought before and this was also the only requirement of his league. He didn't make this just because he don't like the other class, no, but because he wanted his league to specialize in beast taming, just like some other league in the sect.

For instance, like the one Elder One mention before, the [Serene Fragrance League]. Base on what he learned about this league, the [Serene Fragrance League] was a group compose of Wood Cultivator who focused mainly on healing techniques and don't accept anyone who didn't fall on this category.

He managed to get a glimpse of the image of this league's league leader. It gave him quite a shock when he saw the woman as it was the same as the woman who follow him with sight when he chose the [Unseen Hands Technique] from [Technique Tree]'s third floor.

Meanwhile, the [Forest Rangers League] accept any type of members as long as someone has the affinity with Wood. Be it a healer, sword cultivator, even someone who was good at identifying different wild herbs and natural treasure of Heaven and Earth. This was also why this league was the most flexible, powerful and most of all, have the greatest number of members. In the whole Wood-Peak, atleast.

Of course, since he was researching about league's, he also investigate the other leagues. Fortunately, the way he wanted to run his [Beast-Tamer League] was valid since the other had the same rules. It was accepting other peak members to join his league. In other words, regardless if they're disciples of Wood-Peak, Water-Peak, Fire-Peak, Earth-Peak or Metal-Peak, as long as they have beast companion, they could join his league.

So, Ricky joining his [Beast-Tamer League] was valid.

"Don't worry. I'll help you look for your beast." Cole said to Ricky. "After I finish my mission, we'll start right away." He added after he remember his [Red Skull Bandit] unfinished business.

"All right. Can I help you with your mission?" Ricky asked. "I've been training very hard this last few months and I become more strong than before. I definitely can help big time!" He added, boasting.

Cole smile as he check Ricky's status panel to see the improvements he was boasting to him.

Party Member Name : Ricky ♂️
Class : ∅
Profession : ∅
CS : Ninth-Level Mana Gathering-Stage
Progress : 97.9%
CM : Heavenly Beast God Technique
Innate : Water Spirit Body
Skills : Free Water Bending
Technique : Raging River Sword Technique
Weapon : Swift Water Sword
Equipment : Storage Pouch, Blue Metal Armor, Water Treading Shoes
Martial Spirit : Water Dragon

Cole smile in satisfaction after he saw Ricky's improvement for this past few days. It seems that his master, Master Dew, doted him. It could be easily seen with the great number of weapon and equipments Ricky received. This was greatly a big improvement since Ricky was practically a pauper when Master Dew received him but now, he's like a best example of silk pants cultivator.

"No need." Cole deny Ricky's help. It's not that he don't want Ricky's help, its just that his mission was very life threatening. Cole don't want to put Ricky's life on the line too. "Just wait for me finish my mission."

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