170 - Possible

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The same as what they all thought, their whole group were lead towards the heart of the island, where the main beehive, the area of the dungeon boss, is located.

Cole look at the seemingly normal beehive in front of them, wandering if its truly a beehive that house more than hundreds of Divine-Rank Golden Winged Bee.

The beehive looks and flucruates too ordinarily that it could be easily disregarded in front of the tree it was hanging on to.

Heat-Spiritual Energy Converter Tree [Monarch-Rank]
Affinity : Yang, Spiritual
Potential : Divine
[Introduction : A spiritual tree specially planted in desert and volcanic area to reduce the temperature and enrich the place. After being nourished by the filth and trash of Golden Winged Bee, it acquires a more room for growth but lacks the opportunity to trigger it. The spiritual fruits it bore is capable of tempering spiritual energy.]

Without a doubt, the tree is a natural treasure, specially for some places.

And Cole won't deny that he eyed the tree, specially when it says that it could grow into Divine-Rank Tree. It could play a vital role in the future.

But for the meantime, he have to face the beehive first.

After checking the tree, a two adult fist sized golden bee flew out. It was particularly plump and it has a majestic crown made from some sort of wax on top of its head. In addition, instead of two pair of wings, this golden bee has three set of wings.

It was the Six Winged Golden Queen Bee!

The same as other powerful creature, or former in this case, the queen bee were full of air of nobility and grace. Some golden bees immediately flew beside the queen and act like they're a faithful knight.

However, it was easy to guess why the queen bee is here. Despite its noble air, its body were riddled with different kind of injuries and the same as others, its life force is extremely weak as though it was at the end of its rope.

In addition, compare to other golden bees, the gold hue of the queen were much lighter, almost becoming yellow.

Furthermore, as though even flying is taking a massive toll, the queen gradually fall to the ground. Fortunately, there was a big stone beside the tree and that's where the queen lands.

But before it fully descend on the stone, its appearance change into fairy form.

Unexpectedly, the plump queen bee transformed into slim human like form. And since she's a Divine-Rank creature, its appearance doesn't need to be described. It was one of the best.

"Greetings... Human cultivators." The fairy greets with noble and graceful tone.

"Greetings... I say, you do are different from the other four, attacking foreign presence the moment we enter their area."

"Oh, so you are the owner of that mighty aura and the source of intense but annihilating force?" The queen answered with knowing smile.

Then she added, "Those four... were my long time and only neighbor. But unlike me who is accompanied by my children, those poor creatures can only silently endure everything. So please, forgive them with their drastic behavior."

Cole could feel that the queen is truly sincere with her words. It was as though those four field boss was her true friends out of their the same predicament.

"But..." She continued and look at Cole with warm smile, "I must thank you... Thank you for putting them out of their misery. After hundred of years of pure torture and believing for fake hope, they're finally liberated..." She said solemnly and longingly as though she also want to be liberated.

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