175 - Establishing Reputation

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Cole discuss important matters with Roger for quite some time before finally leaving.

The moment Roger leave, the mansion butler immediately enter the room and introduce himself, "New city lord, I'm Dian Wei, the city butler of Towering Tree City."

Cole nodded his head and ask, "Butler Dian, do you also have the intention of leaving city?"

"I'm afraid not, city lord. My Wei Family is tasked by the empire to supervise the city. Since the master of the empire didn't leave any instruction to us, I'm afraid that we'll have to stay in the city." He answered.

Then, Dian further introduce himself.

The position of the Lord of every city is always sought and fight for. That is because becoming a city lord means that they'll have the authority in the city as long as superiors didn't instruct them otherwise, and they'll also have access and control to treasury of the whole city. They might not be able to utilize or pocket the whole city resource for themselves but using it in the city means that they could create their own force or faction.

This is the usual reason why the longer the city lord sit on his throne, the harder it is to overthrow them since the majority of the force of the city become loyal to him due to resources he spend on them. But those resources actually came from the pocket of the city instead of the private pocket of the city lord. The city lord were only tasked on distributing it.

However, not every city is well sought by powerhouses. Towering Tree City is one of these examples.

Unlike any other city, Towering Tree City don't have any significance other than it was a city established beside the great resource point that is the Dark Forest.

However, after hundreds of years of constant plundering, the available resource that could be excavated in the Dark Forest become scarce. The exploreable area of the said forest has been plundered clean by everyone while the deeper part of the forest is a forbidden zone since it was infested with powerful beasts. Normal adventurers can't go deep in the area while those with appropriate strength won't casually explore the deeper area.

In addition, there is no any significant resource point in Towering Tree City like spiritual stone mine or any lode of special minerals. Even the trees in the area is normal and not spiritual tree.

In the end, the Towering Tree City become a barren land by any powerhouse of Heavenly Flame Empire that should be abandoned.

The Towering Tree City is considered poor and the population compose of 98% normal humans is enough to indicate that.

And most importantly, the city is just right beside the Dark Forest. Dark Forest is a great source of resources but it was also infested with beast that may cause beast tide. The possible beast tide is the one of the most dreaded catastrophe the lord could possibly face when taking over the city.

This puts the Towering Tree City in awkward position. No powerhouse contend to take the office of the city. There were times that city don't have city lord to control the situation and chaos ensue.

Although the city don't have much significance to the empire, it was still a stain in their name and reputation if they truly abandoned the city.

The solution they come up of is to appoint a official but they were only required to serve for certain amount of time.

Due to this resolution, the lord of the city change often which doesn't solve the vital problem of the city. In the end, the empire appoint the Wei Family to become the lord's mansion butler and their main task is to ensure a quick and proper control of the city to the new lord.

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