177 - Martial Force

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Cole summon a sharp wind to cut all the mature corn and store it, including its body on one of spatial ring that he has. As for post processing, he'll just hire some commoners and create some jobs.

When he bought the corn, it was the one sold for consumption. Its appearance before were the natural standard of food crop.

When he took out and check its appearance, one could clearly the spot the difference between the corn outside and what just Cole cultivated.

But it was to be expected since it grow from spiritual land.

However, he was surprise when a information panel pop out in Cole's vision!

Glossy Yellow Corn [Normal-Rank]
Affinity : Spiritual
Potential : ∅
[Introduction : A normal corn crop that becomes spiritual crop after being grown on treasure land. Due to limitation of normal crop, this Glossy Yellow Corn contain extremely low amount of spiritual energy. Longterm consumption can bring benefits for normal creatures.]

Normal crops refers to plants that don't carry any trace of spiritual energy, just like the corn Cole bought for the purpose of using it as seed.

Spiritual crops, on the other hand, pertains on crops that carry spiritual energy. Although it was low compare to medicinal herbs, it was beneficial after long term consumption. Spiritual crops were actually the crop cultivated specially for cultivators.

It was a sudden surprise but it was normal since the environment of the [Inner World] is different. In fact, Cole will be more surprise if the corn didn't improve despite the many positive factors that affects it.

Although it was a sudden surprise, Cole didn't mind it much.

Instead, he return on planting another batch. He don't know the exact number of people in the city but there should be more than 80,000 commoners. After all, the former Towering Tree City didn't bother to count the number of 'insignificant ants'.

Cole spend several days inside the [Inner World], cultivating the supplies he intend to supply for the city.

Of course, he didn't just cultivate corn alone. He also cultivate batches of rice for another staple food and some known vegetables like cabbage and eggplant.

Along the way, Cole manage to discover something. The more and longer he planted the crops, the more they improve.

For instance, the last batch of corn he harvested were still the Glossy Yellow Corn but instead of extremely low spiritual energy content, it contains high amount of spiritual energy. In addition, its information stated that it contains enough nutrients to support an adult mans need for two days. This means that a single high spiritual energy content Glossy Yellow Corn can make a man not hungry for two days.

It was the same for rice, cabbage and eggplant he cultivates. They improve everytime.

It was a good news for Cole. He like to eat food since it was one of the joy of being human but he don't find normal crops tasty.

But the improved crops he harvest become more tastier the higher its grade. Cole decided that he'll continue on improving crops for his own good.

Or he could just buy the seeds of more higher rank spiritual crops to save himself from the trouble of long cycle of improving the grade of spiritual crops.

With that in mind, Cole exit the [Inner World].

It was already evening by the time he came out.

And except for his mother, elder sister, elder brother, brother-in-law and Virgo, everyone were already waiting for him inside the main office of the city lord. Some were entertaining themselves like Lucky while some were silently cultivating like Fernan, Fernand, and Fernando.

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