20 - Shadow Walkers

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When Ricky woke up and saw a little girl around five years old with them inside the carriage, he was shocked beyond belief.

When he introduced the little as one of his beast, Ricky almost fainted. He even believed that he will not be shocked by anything his brother will do but this... It was too shocking for him.

Cole told him afterwards that Celia was just one of those special beast.

Beast in the stage 7 or Tier 7, they were called Demonic Beast. In this stage, beast can morph and transform to like a human. Celia was just a special case as she can transform while she was still at the Tier 2 Stage.

Ricky just nod with it all and accept. He had no choice. If he can't accept things now, he don't know if he can last that long.

This time, Cole didn't let Ricky battle. He just broke through Eighth Level just a day ago. If he level up again, he don't know what will happen to the people of the caravan. They'll get suspicious and may want his secret for themselves.

Cole was not afraid of the Carmelo Family now that he had Celia. However, there were heaven beyond heaven. He may overpower the Carmelo Family but he can't overpower the entire world. Trouble may come after him and he don't want that.

The Carmelo Family Caravan now arrived at the middle of the Shadow Forest and they were all tense.

There were a bandit group who was well known in this forest, they were the Shadow Walkers.

The Shadow Forest was named because inside the forest were always like nighttime. The towering tree's wide canopy was actually so dense that sunlight was hard to enter inside the forest.

And the Shadow Walkers were all well known as they walk in this forest as if they were the shadow themselves. The Shadow Walkers thrive in this forest that was why they know the terrain and adapted well from the darkness. As a passerby of the Shadow Forest, they were all at mercy of the group of bandits.

Last time, the Carmelo Family passed the Shadow Forest safely as they don't encounter the Shadow Walkers.

Fortunately, the Shadow Walkers won't hurt anyone of you for no reason and if you pay the toll-fee, of course.

Unfortunately, it seems like they were in bad luck today as they encounter the Shadow Walkers. They were ready to pay the said toll fee but it seems like the Shadow Walkers woke up by the wrong side of the bed as they all look irritated.

"Bring out all your money and all the woman and leave them here and we'll think if we'll let the other go!" One of the Shadow Walkers shouted.

The face of all the people of the Carmelo Family Caravan paled, specially the woman. There were no good outcome if you were a woman and at a mercy of group of bandits.

"We are from Carmelo Family of Stone Forest Town! Let us go and the family will pay you handsomely!" One of the scared Mana Gathering Stage disciple managed to said his piece.

The group of bandits laugh at themselves.

"So what if you're from Carmelo Family? You're in the middle of Shadow Forest and you may be attacked from different Wild Beast here." The one who shouted before replied. "Besides, we are nothing but we are good at cleaning a mess and hide our tracts... Do you think your Carmelo Family will know?" He continued.

The face of the Carmelo Family loss their hope. They may do nothing to you if you pay their set toll-fee but that was just if.

There were different members of family's from different powerhouse who died in this forest and it were all reported as killed by the forest' Wild Beast. But they know more.

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