52 - Low Land, Middle Land and Saint Land

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After the snob Steel vanish from his base, Cole summon Pisces this time and made them guard the [Summoning Grimoire] before he enter [Inner World] again. He reappear next to [Messiah Tree].

Cole took out the beast egg. Base on Steel's words, this egg was one of Madam Tina's lucky encounter. And Cole knew that she tried to hatch it but to no avail that she actually giveup on it and decided to just gave it to Cole.

But no matter, Cole still appreciate that kindness. Specially for him who is a beast tamer, being gifted an special egg was no different from being gifted with car. For him, it was the best kind of gift he could receive.

Although this was just an egg, Cole knew that it already have an feeble soul and thus alive. He can't help but theorize that soul of living will be fully formed first before their body just like this egg. He could already felt a complete soul of a living inside. The reason why this egg didn't hatch yet maybe because its body, or the vessel of the soul, wasn't fully formed or complete yet.

But since his taming arts was connecting his soul to his beast, he knew that he could already tamed beast eventhough they were still an egg, just like how he did with Celia.

Cole summon his [Summoning Grimoire] and chanted while looking at the egg, "[Soul Contract]." One of the available branch of his soul who had a shaped like a tree extend to the egg. The process didn't recieve any obstruction and the process lasted for a few seconds and it was successful.

Thus, Cole finally have his seventh tamed beast generally known as Gold Duck.

Hands made-up of spiritual energy, which is the [Unseen Hands Technique] of Cole, once again being used by the Messiah Tree and take the golden egg from his hands and put at the base of the tree's base. Then the aura it passively release seems find a target and it congregate towards the egg.

Cole smile with assurance as he knew that the egg will soon hatch specially it was personally take cared and nourished by the magical tree.

He then return to his base using [Gate].

"Thank you, Pisces. You both can go back now and cultivate inside." Both the fish nodded their head and hop on the portal. It was then cancelled after they enter inside.

This time, since he very much know everything about the Red Skull Bandit from Fernando's stolen memories, he now have a direction to follow. And the first of it was to investigate and check their location which was at, much to Cole's surprise, the Flowerhead Forest.

Yes, it was the bizzare forest where almost of the living things there have a flower growing from their head, including humans who enter there. And once they did, they won't be able to leave the forest or else they'll die.

This unusual phenomenon make that place a forbidden place. But those flowers only had a 10% chance to sprout from their head. However, although that chance was just 10%, it was enough to deter many person on entering there.

Of course, despite those dangers, there are still many brave warriors who dared to enter that place. That was becuase the forest had abundant amount of different Wild Herbs and many others which, if lucky, could be sold for a very high price. This maybe because the place only have a small number of people who will plunder the forests' natural resources which enable it thrive.

And the Flowerhead Forest was the place where Red Skull Bandits lair was situated. This was becuase the forest unusual phenomenon was like a natural barrier for them to hide.

It was also a wonder if that bizarre situation was cause by that bandit group which Fernando's question also. He didn't confirm it but he's already suspecting that. Of course, this was not a baseless theory as Fernando could see that members of their group don't get affected by that certain forests' curse. It was as if they were immune by it.

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