153 - Guest Elder

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Along with Steel and Pyra, Cole return back to Five Element Sect. The same as Lady Scarlet, those two had now been conquered by Cole.

Upon arriving at the Five Element Sect, Cole first visit his Beast-Tamer League. Since the secret realm exploration did not take long, there's no big changes that happen.

Instead, the massive change that happen in the league is that it become a known cultivation hotspot. With the lawn full of Mind Calming Grass and small Spirit Gathering Array he engraved in the area, the area around the Beast-Tamer League become a well sought cultivation spot.

It surprise Cole when he walk towards the league base along with Celia, there were several scattered figures that is seriously meditating.

He immediately remember his business plan on making a cultivation room that can be rented. However, he has another plan and this plan is now almost impossible to achieve.

Cole greeted Mark who diligently manage the league the whole time he was gone.

From time to time, he's been hearing a system reminder that he receive System Points as someone join the league he created. He look at the document Mark gave him and inspect the name on it eventhough he doesn't need it since the system panel gave him more comprehensive background of each of this person. He don't want to appear like he don't care about the league.

"After the change of our location, many disciples apply for joining the league but I only accept the five of them. The others... don't look sincere enough." Mark voice out.

"Why do you say so?"

"They... literally bring a youngling of the beast. The kind that only hatched from the egg, or those infant that have yet to open their eyes. I felt that they don't really want to join the league for what it was but more like for the resources."

Cole nodded his head in understanding, "That's good."

For short amount of time, the league have turned their whole territory into cultivation hotspot, without a doubt, it holds a considerable amount of power. Mind Calming Grass might be just a Earth-Rank Magical Plant but its growth requirement is as strict as Sky-Rank Plant. Furthermore, it order for it to spread, it also need to spiritual energy rich environment.

Those with brain could immediately think that the Beast-Tamer League is not normal as it appear. Besides, the area around the league is gradually becoming rich with spiritual energy; definitely, there was a spirit gathering array install in the area. The array itself is rare enough but the master that carved and create is not someone can casually invite.

This just means that the league had a connection to Formation Master. Even majority of the elder of the sect don't have a connection with formation master.

In some sense, formation master were much rarer than alchemist.

In particular, Cole don't have any prejudice against those disciples that intend to join their league and enjoy its benefits by raising some hatchlings and younglings beast. In any case, as long as one live with one another for some time and even depend on one another, the tamer can develop feeling for their contracted beast.

If he don't have the plan on creating a city of his own, he might accept those kind of disciples.

It'll only be a problem if they use their contracted beast as tools rather than being closed companion. After all, this was the reason why he don't look favorably at Beast Tamer Sect; they treat beasts as tools. Quite literally.

Cole and Mark talk for several minutes about relevant matters before he decided to leave. This time, he's walking towards the Peak Master of Wood Peak.

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