27 - Might of Martial Spirit

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The Saw-Teeth Lake Crocodile looked at Ricky warily. Its instincts told him that the kid he was fighting was dangerous, too dangerous. Before, he was belittling the kid after he saw the opponents size and stature; he was practically ten times bigger than the kid!

In most beast mind, specially those who follow their instincts, the bigger the size of the of the creature, the more powerful they are.

Size determines power!

The Saw-Teeth Lake Crocodile couldn't help but shudder when he remembered a two figures of small but powerful than him creatures of this lake.

When the registered in his mind that he was shuddering as he was afraid, he felt humiliated. Those two palm size creatures was his greatest nightmare and humiliation and to think that this human before him have to make it resurface... He was angry!


Hearing the angry sound of the beast, the focused Ricky focus more. Even the spectators behind him got tense.

The Saw-Teeth Lake Crocodile propelled himself to the lake's bottom and when he arrived at the bottom of the lake, he propelled himself to the max to the surface and the force actually brought him to the air, he was now floating in the air!

Seeing the Saw-Teeth Lake Crocodile up in the air, Nick, Ken and Ben had their mouth agape in disbelief. Such a big beast and it could make itself float in the air... Isn't this a little absurd?

Cole just look at the situation calmly and chant, "Protect." The Summoning Grimoire glow for a second inside Ricky's robe and create a invisible protecting bubble enveloping the kid.

And Ricky was unaware of this.

Seeing the Saw-Teeth Lake Crocodile above him, Ricky panick for a second and chant, "Martial Spirit Unleash!" and a almost illusionary snake-like creature appear above Ricky's head.

The Saw-Teeth Lake Crocodile saw the vague outline of snake appear but brush it off aside as he don't felt a threat from it.

After three seconds in the air, the gravity finally pull him down. He was slow at first but got faster and faster and it's trajectory was Ricky! The Saw-Teeth Lake Crocodile open his wide, full of saw like teeth, mouth and ready to swallow Ricky!

The beast move was predicted by Ricky and so before the Saw-Teeth Lake Crocodile started to get down, he already chanted, "Water Dragon Martial Spirit, Abyss Turtle Shell Defense!"

The calm surface started to churn and floated in the air and created a turtle shell made out of water that envelopes and protect him.

Seeing the water that envelopes the kid, a disdain gleamed at the eyes of the Saw-Teeth Lake Crocodile. He was living his full life in water and know how soft the liquid are, yet, the human used it like a shield? Pathetic!

When the beast was near the water shell, he snap his mouth full power.


However, an inconceivable thing happen! His bite was truly blocked by the water shell! His teeth doesn't even felt a drop of water when he bit the shell, it was like he bit a metal shell! And to think that his jaw could tear a metal as if it was mud, he was greatly humiliated!

He was about to let go his bite when he saw a thing that scared him shitless.

Seeing the beast blocked by him, Ricky felt his confidence soared to the sky. He didn't want to give the beast a time to breath and so he quickly chanted, "Water Dragon Martial Spirit, Sea Dragon's Roar!"

A dragon made of water appear!

The Saw-Teeth Lake Crocodile wanted to swim fast when he saw the dragon creature appear as he felt danger from it. Unfortunately for him, he was still in the air and he was nowhere to run. The Saw-Teeth Lake Crocodile just braced himself for the impact.

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