112 - Silver Lightning

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"I think, Master, you should make an soulbound connection with Blue." Celia said while Cole, Blue and human Shelly was bonding.

"What?" Cole asked, not getting the meaning behind her words.

Pondering Celia raise her head and explain to him her idea, "I just thought that after Blue successfully breakthrough to Tier-5, you could received his insights through your soulbound connection like what happened with sister Virgo and brother Shelly. With the [Heavenly Lightning Concept], you could also absorb natural lightning like Blue and quickly raise your strength."

Cole visibly stop after he heard Celia's advice. So say that he's not interested to the idea was a big fat lie. However, he can't help but felt a little hesitation.

Bolt of lightning was a true horror back at Earth. Even just being electrocuted by appliances was enough lesson that could cause trauma for most humans. And here now, someone saying to him to specifically bath in that sea of lightnings. What more, knowing the standards of this world, with the presence of spiritual energy, lightning here was far more scarier. Add to the fact that it's not normal since its a lightning from Heavenly Tribulation.

However, he knew that whether he likes it or not, he have to bend his standards into crazy way. Bathing in the barrage of lightning was not the first absurd idea he heard and definitely not the last.

Besides, he saw that Blue enjoy bathing in the Heavenly Tribulation as though he's just getting drenched with rain. It was probably the effect of [Heavenly Lightning Concept]. If he really received initial understanding about Blue's [Concept], he could probably achieve that too.

In addition, there's another reason why he wanted to use it too – the fact that he needs a huge amount of energy amount due to his number of cores inside. Although he only have to cultivate the five main elements of Fire, Water, Wood, Earth and Metal to achieve the initial requirements to qualify to reach the next stage, and could follow his other affinities like Space and Time, it was still five times than normal human. Absorbing the huge amount of Lightning-Energy from Heavenly Tribulation might just be the thing that could help him.

According to additional information about [Dantian Genesis Cultivation Method], there were not much restriction if he wants to step to Void Trancendance-Stage, Void Sensing-State in this method, he only have to comprehend a single [Concept] and everything will have the ability to increase the energy stage without the restriction of [Concept].

For instance, even if he breakthrough using the [Moment Control Concept] which is time affinited, his five main elements could also breakthrough to Void Sensing-State standard without their respective [Concept].

Of course, since there's no [Concept] to those affinities, it will be inferior to anyway besides its maximum energy capacity.

However, eventhough [Concept] was not really required, increasing the stage of five elements at once still pose a huge challenge. Celia's proposal was just he needs.

But while was deep with his thought about using the Heavenly Tribulation to make a successful breakthrough, he forgot to think about the thing normal cultivators used when making a breakthrough, like natural treasure of Heaven and Earth or pills.

Perhaps because he achieved his current cultivation without depending on those things, it won't appear in his mind during this time despite the fact that he knew about their use.

In fact, what's his thinking was the method cultivators won't use. But to be fair, they don't have the combination of Cole's unique cultivation methods and techniques.  

Other cultivators thinks about warding, blocking and fighting the Heavenly Tribulation, he and his beasts thinks of utilizing it to increase his and their strength.

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