113 - Threetails Doom Fox

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Heavenly Tribulation only needs a short amount of time to finish, however, the tiredness in brought could even beat a whole day of continuous battle.

Bzzt~~ Bzzt~~ Bzzt~~

After the nerve wrecking scene, the most powerful but last strike of Heavenly Tribulation have started to subside and Blue's injured appearance gradually appear. The [Lightning Crystals] floating around his body have reached the mark of forty pieces, half of it possess a lightning appearance.

When the lightning subside, the thick black clouds in the sky started to disperse and an aura resembling Aurora Borealis descend and bless Blue, which immediately push his stage and enter Tier-5!

It was a joyous occasion. However, before Cole could approach Blue, the latter's understanding about Heavenly Lightning have started to flow into his mind which prompt him to close his eyes and deeply pondered and comprehend the information he was receiving.

Since it was not the first time it happens, Celia was no longer surprise. Instead, after a very long time, she summon her parasited beast, Greeny.

"Awoo~~" It howls, as though announcing his arrival. When it comes out of summoning circle, Greeny looks majestic and powerful wolf but he immediately turn obedient after seeing Celia.

After the long time Greeny stay inside the [Inner World] and focus on cultivating, it have improved quite tremendously, and the most apparent of all was its change of appearance. Of course, this was because Greeny are no longer an Earth-Rank Green Wolf beast but an Heaven-Rank Heavenly Forest Wolf.

The greatest improvement was the pair of whiskers on its muzzle that can be used to control the forest to some extent. Although it was a little inferior to natural forest guardian' Dryads, it still can't be denied that it's very powerful and convenient.

As for its level, it improved from its former Second-Level Tier-3 Wild Beast to Seventh-Level Tier-4 Magical Beast, which equivalents to human's Seventh-Level Nascent Soul-Stage. Here in the Azure Continent, this beast could already occupy a whole forest to rule and humans won't casually provoke.

"Greeny greets the Master." Greeny greeted through their parasite connection, his posture outside shows a humble appearance.

Unlike Cole, who don't like pleasantries specially if it comes from his friends and family, Celia nodded her head in satisfaction after hearing that. However, her happy emotion only flash for a second and she commands immediately, "You bring Blue here as soon as possible." Then she flashed the image of Blue's location through the parasite.

Greeny immediately felt surprised when he learned the fact that Young Master Blue have also breakthrough to Tier-5! It should be known that inside the [Inner World], Lord Shelly have just finished and recovering from it! And Lord Shelly's new shell land was also getting decorated by elves, turning it into a little paradise.

"Yes, Master!" He exclaimed through their mind connection and immediately runs towards the said location.

As for Celia, she remains on standing near Cole, guarding him from possible attacks. Although they were literally in deserted place, there were still a possibility that dangers lurk in the surrounding. It was fortunate that she have already the acquire the skill to summon other creatures. If not, she won't be able to call anyone inside the [Inner World] while Cole was in trance state.

Since Blue's comprehension was just being transfered, it didn't take long before blue lightning started to flash in Cole's body. When its might reached a little inferior like Blue, all of the flashing lightning enter his body again and open his eyes.

He successfully comprehend Blue's [Concept]!

However, different from what he knew, the [Heavenly Lightning Concept], the one transfered to him bear a different name!

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