89 - Unmoved

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In the end, Grand Elder Caira personally mediates their two bets.

Cole's stake was still the same, a single drop of Water of Life while the other side was changed. Instead of ten [Void Breaking Pill], Grand Elder Caira add another five, making it have a total of fifteen pills.

Cole felt that the stake wasn't fair anymore. However, Grand Elder Caira said that although it's true that their stake somewhat exceeds the value of Cole's item, it must be know that Water of Life was one of very rare item nowadays. There is no traces of elves in this world anymore. [Void Breaking Pill] could be refined as long as there's an Alchemist and ingredients, however, Water of Life can't be reproduced by anyone.

Now, him and Ryan is facing each other.

After Cole's show of his capabilities, Ryan can't help but take this battle more seriously. He don't know how sturdy his turtle shell barrier is but Grand Elder Caira's praise say how amazing it was. What more, he could also use an instantaneous movement technique, [Teleportation].

The most troublesome about those Space affinited person was there superior movement technique. It was no exaggeration to say that those people was best for preserving their life.

After some time, Ryan raise his brows and ask, "You're not summoning your beast?"

Cole didn't answer him.

The truth is, Cole's current level is Peak Eight-Level of Nascent Soul-Stage with 96% progress. If he wanted to he could make another breakthrough to the next level.

Due to this sudden leap of his levels from the system, missions rewards, the levels of his beast started to get left behind. Now, they were all focus on cultivating inside the [Inner World] in hopes of catching up to him. With their deep determination, Cole can't take himself to disturb them. And so, if the situation wasn't really needed, he won't summon them for the mean time.

Fortunately, he could still use [Soul Mimicry]. With this certain technique, he don't have to worry for incoming battles, just like now.

But after some thought, he don't want the others to think badly of him. And so, he honestly said his summoned beasts and spirits current situation;

"My beasts and spirits are currently focusing on cultivation. I won't summon them for the meantime."

When Cole didn't immediately answer his question, Ryan started to feel insulted as he perceive that his opponent belittle him, as though he don't need to summon his beast just to beat him. However, when he heard the reason why, all the frustration vanish.

He's a cultivator himself, he knows that it's bad to disturb others in their seclusion. And knowing beast tamers, he knew that his opponent treated his pets as family and not tools, definitely, he won't disturb their cultivation.

"Then don't regret it later." Ryan said, his tone a little arrogant.

Cole just smile and chose to remain silent.

Moments later, Grand Elder Caira finally shouts the cue, "Begin!"

Instantly, Ryan shot himself towards Cole as fast as a bullet. Without even a trace of doubt, he took the initiative to attack. He stirred all of his energies inside his body, using his movement and footwork technique to the extreme, in hopes of appearing in front of his opponent.

If one wants to defeat an Space-type cultivator, one must have a incredible speed, or else, they won't even touch a single strand of their hair, much less defeat them. And since he knew already that his opponent could use instantaneous movement, [Teleportation], they he must close the distance between them before he could make himself teleport.

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