59 - Powerful Flesh, Soul Burning Fire

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Cole and Celia both decided that they will try to investigate the Flowerhead Forest from the sky. This is not a problem since both of them could fly now – Cole as a Space Cultivator and Celia as a Dragon. Only, Greeny was putted back inside the [Inner World].

Although it was not totally without enemies in the air, at the least, the number of beast that could fly in the air was much lesser than on those on the ground. The number of threats was much lesser compared to the ground.

The only downside of flying in the air was that they won't be able to harvest the natural resources of the Flowerhead Forest. Most of it was block from their view by the countless trees of the forest. They could only pick those that luckily appear in their view.

But Cole's aim was to find the main body of the parasite of this forest. Those treasures will have just to wait.

Of course, the treasures that will have to wait was only include those they can't currently see. It was another story if it appear on their eyesight.

Just like the strange and beautiful flower that grows on top of a big but dying tree. The flower was truly beautiful. It even release a weak but mystical glow. It looks healthy and full of life, however, it looks very strange, to the point of being eerie, since the tree it was attached too was on the verge of dying.

It was as if the flower was draining the life of the tree.

Of course, although the flower looks spooky, it was still a very valuable natural treasure. Only, like any other valuable natural treasure on the wild, the mystical flower had its own guardian, or in other words, an owner.

Eventhough both Cole and Celia was still a little far from the location, they could already both see that the guardian was similar to Greeny, it was a Green Wolf.

When both of them was ten meters away from the beast's location, the sleeping Green Wolf finally open its eyes and look at them sharply. And when they're five meters away from the beast, it started to growl at them.

A total of five vines sprouted from the Green Wolf's body. Those fives vines envelope the whole body of the beast until it cover it wholly like a full body of soft armor. After the vines cover the whole body of beast, it still wriggled and move. The vines actually serve a two purpose, while it envelope the body as an armor, it could also be used as a means to attack like a whip.

Cole and Celia didn't stop the beast on what it was doing. Cole watch it with all fascination while Celia watch it to give Greeny an idea of this skill.

Vitality Flower [Sky-Rank]
A parasitic flower that sucks all the vitality of the plant it was attached to. The vitality it contains can save a dying beast at Tier-4 and below.

Beast Name : Green Wolf ♀️
Stage : Ninth-Level Tier-3 Wild Beast
Progress : 99.8%
Affinity : Wood
Type : Beast

The spooky but beautiful flower called the Vitality Flower was actually an healing treasure. However, it will only be an simple healing plant for other beast but for those with affinity with Wood, it was a once in a lifetime treasure. Not only it will help to increase the level of a Wood-type beast, if the beast was talented, it can also help them to comprehend new skill. And on very lucky situation, it could perhaps helps them stimulate their hidden bloodline and evolve.

It is no wonder why the Green Wolf wild beast guarded it with its life. It was probably waiting for the Vitality Flower to drain all the life of the tree before ingesting it.

And before that happen, the beast will guard it with its life. It may be the only chance to improve its life, even an instinctual beast know what's better for them.

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