25 - Five Element Sect

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After of almost one week and two months long of travel, Cole, with Ricky, and his crew - Nick Carmelo, the young master of Carmelo Family of Stone Forest City, Ken Carmelo, son of one of the elders of Carmelo Family and Ben Lin, young master of Lin Family of Stone Forest Town - arrived at at the entrance of Light Mountain Forest which means that they were now near the Five Element Sect.

The disciple recruitment of Five Element Sect was still three months away. Eventhough the travel from Stone Forest Town to the entrance of Light Mountain Forest was just two months, they still travel three months before as they also want to be at their peak condition in recruitment process and not worn out from their travel.

Since their three weeks to early, they'll now go to the one of the town managed and own by Five Element Sect, the Breeze Town.

The four of them find an inn and rent them for whole three weeks. They will meditate and cultivate for the remaining time as they want to add even a little bit of strength. Well, atleast the three of them. Cole just also rent a room as he'll just have that as a point for his Gate.

They got stronger by absorbing the energy between Heaven and Earth as well as pills but he have a better option, he'll battle in the wild and gain exp.

After locking the whole room, Cole summon Gate and they appear again in the Brown Forest, the forest between Light Mountain Forest and Stone Forest City. Cole chose this forest as he encountered quiet a number of Tier 2 Beast here compare to Shadow Forest and the other before. It must be because the energy of Heaven and Earth in this part was more thicker compare to other places Cole had been to.

Cole ask his companies before and they answer him, "We are in the edge part of the world and the energy of Heaven and Earth here is scarce. It is said that the nearer it is in the middle the thicker the energy of Heaven and Earth."

And so that was the reason Tier 2 Wild Beast seems common here as it was easier to breakthrough here due to thickness of energy. This was quit a good news for Cole as the stronger the beast the higher they get exp.

This time, due to number of beast they battled, both Ricky and Blue improved. He focused all the exp to the two as the exp given to him by Tier 2 Wild Beast was so small that he felt like it doesn't benefit him.

Party Member Name : Ricky ♂️
Class : ∅
Profession : ∅
CS : Sixth Level Mana Gathering Stage
Progress : 94.8%
CM : Heavenly Beast God Technique
Innate : Water Spirit Body
Skills : Free Water Bending
Weapon : ∅
Equipment : ∅
Martial Spirit : Water Dragon

Species Name:Lightning Illusionist Fox ♂️
Beast Name : Blue
Level : Fourth Level
Rank : Tier 2 Wild Beast
EXP : 98.9%
Loyalty : 100%
Potential : Arcane
Affinity : Soul/Lightning
Type : Illusionist
Beast Skill : Thousands Illusions, Mental Corrosion, Illusion Clone, Sharp Claw, Lightning Steps, Lightning Discharge, Magnetic Fur
Evolution Path : Thunder Monarch Illusionist Fox

Cole nodded in his self as he look at their data. Blue level up in their travel time and he'll most likely to level up again before the disciples selection. On the other hand, Ricky don't level up but he create quit a good progress and he'll most likely to breakthrough this coming three weeks.

Cole also wanted Ricky to enter in Five Element Sect through his strength. Although he can come with Cole through the Inner World, Cole treat this as training for Ricky. Afterall, there's a good difference between beast he mostly battled and human with high intelligence. Human intelligence what makes human more dangerous than beast.

Cole, Ricky and Blue was now travelling along the Brown Forest looking for their opponents or should they say prey?

After all this time, the others who was attempting to breakthrough to Tier 3 Wild Beast was not yet finish. But Cole understand as his attempt lasted for four months. He even thought that Bell's was more longer as she was a Elemental Creature.

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