180 - Faction Reward

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A week after receiving the Inheritance Stone, Nine-World Elven Ancestral Tree manage to produce a mine of it. It contains tens of thousands of Inheritance Stones and it was full of Heaven-Rank a week after.

He manage to learn the difference between the ranks of Inheritance Stone.

There were no Normal-Rank Inheritance Stone while Earth-Rank were only capable of recording a minute of video with worst quality. Furthermore, the video won't be projected but would just flash in the stone like circular mobile phone.

Sky-Rank Inheritance Stone can record more better quality video, about 4 megapixel, with five minutes of duration while also capable of projecting image in the air.

But Heaven-Rank Inheritance gave a massive surprise to Cole.

It was capable of producing 16 megapixel quality video with duration of one hour.

However, what surprise him the most was that after inscripting it with set of inscriptions and formations to form a Projection Stone, it was now capable of projecting a big screen in the sky!

It literally turn into sky television!

He only need to put four of them in four different direction and he could cover the whole city and everyone will be able to see them.

However, it has several flaws. The projected image become transparent in a day and it could only be used at night. In the day, the projected image won't be able to be seen due to strong light.

Furthermore, the inscriptions and formations of the Projection Stone used were from the one that Pirro gave to him. Although it won't affect the projected image but the consumption of the spiritual energy tripled.

[Creation Magic] is great and all but it was literally 'what you see is what you get'. It could perfectly replicate and re-create what he saw but it won't be able to improved at all.

Therefore, despite having a more better Mother Center Stone and Projection Stone, it's energy consumption also increase to scary level. The consumption would scare Pirro should he learn its cost.

Fortunately, Cole have the Nine-World Elven Ancestral Tree that is basically his never ending spring of spiritual energy. It was capable of absorbing incredibly rich amount of spiritual energy from the void.

He'll be able to use the improved technology but he won't be able to use it like a media. The same as the Heavenly Fire Empire, he'll only use it to announce important news.

This makes Cole further aware of how important talent is and how he needs to cultivate a group of them.

If it was possible, he himself want to study the formation arts and path. However, his [Dantian Genesis Cultivation Method] stop him on doing so due to its great needs for resources and time. It makes him powerful with strong foundation and he'll be able to challenge a stage higher than him but its cost were equally scary.

For the meantime, with him still occupied with stabilizing and creating his faction, he can't afford to add another tedious task for his own.

Cole already placed the Heaven-Rank Projection in the middle of the four region of the city. But it was hidden and protected by several formations. Unless someone proficient with formations appear in the city or a special beast like Treasure Hunter Rat, those Projection Stone won't be found and steal in near future.

Besides, even if one steal the hidden Projection Stone, they won't be able to use it despite its high rank due to its scary energy consumption.

While the month he announced about to arrive, Cole were actually not in the city. Instead, he was diving deep into the Dark Forest.

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