136 - Reap Lives!

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The smile on every demonic disciples vanish as they look at the sealed in ice Tier-8 Corpse Puppet and the floating ghost that was exuding an extraordinary momentum.

They all knew that they don't have the ability to escape at this time.

The Tier-8 Corpse Puppet was now a free undead corpse and will attack indiscriminately as long as the target had life force. They could say that it was a fortunate scenario that it was sealed and won't have to worry about the attack of powerful zombie.

Only, now they have to worry about the more powerful creature, a ghost of former Mortal Emperor-Stage cultivator.

If they still had 0.1% chance of escaping from Tier-8 Corpse Puppet by sacrificing some living meat shield, then facing a ghost that could use ice attacks are impossible to escape to.

A corpse puppet won't leave its victim as long as it still had a life force that it could eat but an ice ghost will just freeze them.

After the seductive corpse puppet are fully sealed in ice and won't have any ability to resist and free itself for the meantime, Cole shift his eyes on the suppressed demonic sect disciples on the ground.

He didn't even bother to hide his killing intent.

For cultivators that don't have any bottom-line, he don't have to show them any mercy too!

"Shiela, freeze all those who release chaotic fluctuation!"

And at the same time, he command to his pets through their [Soul Contract], "Kill our enemies!"

Immediately, all of his spirit and beasts made their own move!

Coal chomp down necks and decapitate person like a skilled butcher.

Bell summon [Void Bells], trap the demonic disciples, and produce a terrifying level of sound that kills the demonic disciples with their seven orifices bleeding and their eyes burst. For sweet and small spirit like Bell, the sight she produced was quite gory.

Meanwhile, Blue will use [Lightning Flash] and decapitate person with lightning fast speed.

Even Shelly participate by using [Void Bullet] and shot enemies in their head.

The Ferghana Horse and Poison Cloud Lion join the 'fun', harvesting lives like they were harvesting vegetables.

With the joint efforts of his contracted pets, it only needs a several minutes and all the present demonic sects disciples are killed, turning into EXP for him and his pets.

This was the reason why he didn't ask for the assistance of others now that all of the demonic sect disciples are suppressed.

It was only after his pets finished the task then he ask Shiela to remove the pressure from the others.

He also gave Virgo the Black Ring and ask to collect all the corpses. He could harvest many treasures from them, specially the likes of Skill Crystals.

Perhaps he could even loot their cultivation method and learn their weakness from that.

This time, no one from the other disciples of righteous path sects look at Cole with condescending attitude. In fact, what he just show was the terrifying ability of Beast Masters!

And what deter them the most was the ethereal ghost that release an extraordinary momentum they only felt from the powerful entities from their own sect!

If an unrest broke out from their alliance, perhaps only Gu Xi could last since he have the Golden Lotus Throne with him.

"Master Beast Tamer, thank you for defeating the demonic sect disciples." The brawny, hot blooded leader of Nine Yang Sect suddenly said with slightly strange gentle tone.

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