29 - Testing Stones

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Two days later, Cole and his gang were back at Flat Mountain. Each of them were carrying their own bag containing the beast they had slained. It was their qualification for the disciplesl recruitment.

Both Ricky and Cole had slain a beast higher than their own strength with Ben, while Nick and Ken only slain with the same tier as them. It may sound that they were weak and inferior, on the contrary,  it was already a achievement itself.

Beast were known as stronger compare to the human with the same level of as them. It was becuase beast were born with powerful body and strength. Even their body act as their own weapon unlike humans who usually use weapons such as sword and the like. Add to the fact that humans attack beast in their own turf, the beast usually own the upper hand.

Dragons can't defeat local snakes.

Fortunately, beast had their own shortcoming and human's advantage, which was intelligence.

The Heaven were fair. Everyone had their own advantages and disadvantages. If not, balance would be destroyed.

Hours later, the site were once again full of people. However, compared to the first day, the number drastically decreased. The spectators were only few, while those eliminated due to their age were long gone.

The number of qualified participants also decreased. The approximate 900 original participants were now decreased to, more or less, 500 to 600 people. The others either quited or dead. They probably died battling beast.

Elder Three appear and check the surrounding. He nodded in satisfaction after he saw the bags of those youths containing the head of their slayed beast.

This may be a open secret but their Five Element Sect were constantly attack by the Light Forest Mountain's Wild Beast. Although it wasn't a threat, it was still a great hassle. And one of the solution the Sect think of were slaying the nearby beast population. Becuase of these, the beast can't create a horde and cause a beast stampede.

With this test, the beast nearby were killed and it also screened this upcoming disciples. Those untalented and mediocre were eliminated and these remaining number were probably the elite of the elites. Rotten apples may appear as this can't be avoided but he have faith that those talented were greater in number.

Moments later, the loud crowd quieted down as they saw Elder Three in front of a high podium.

Elder Three nodded to no one in particular after the surrounding quited down. He's very satisfied as even a buzzing of a mosquito could be heard at how quiet the atmosphere were. It was sight to behold since the number of people present were probably thousands in total.

"Since everyone were mostly here, then we will now start the second part of recruitment." Elder Three started with amicable tone and expression.

The participants all listen very carefully as they knew that this was their path to greatness. Even Cole's friends, including Ricky, were all serious.

"We all given you a chance to be honest," Elder Three continue. "however, if they were honest, of course, there were also be those who are not and liars. The second part of the test were testing both your boneage and cultivation level."

"I've already said this but I'll repeat for the last time; the lowest stage we will accept are peak of Body Tempering Stage while there is no problem with the highest. The age of Body Tempering Stage that could be accepted are twenty years old and below. The age of Mana Gathering Stage that could be accepted are thirty years old and below only. Core Formation Stage are forty years old and below."

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