57 - Space-Time Combination

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Unbeknownst to Cole, while he was cultivating, his Messiah Tree Martial Spirit was unleashed.

Celia, who also decided that she will cultivate along with his Master, open her eyes immediately the moment she closed it. It was because she felt the presence of the Messiah Tree. She looked surprise when she saw the phantom of the tree that was quietly floating above Cole's head. And instead of resuming her cultivation session, she decided to watch her Master personally.

Greeny who was near the entrance of the cave, also jolted his head and look at tree phantom. He then forget his duty and decided to look at the phantom without blinking.

Celia rolled her eyes and bad thought surface on her mind.

On the other hand, the cloaked man who focus on digesting the efficacy of the pill and use it to heal his wounds, also open his eyes and look at the illusionary tree that was floating in the teen-age boy's head. He don't know why but eventhough the tree looks nothing special, his heart throb erratically as if he have seen something... miraculous. He don't recognize what kind of tree the phantom was but his whole being, or perhaps his blood, seems to know it from the very core.

He can't help but also look and focus entirely at the phantom tree without blinking like Greeny.

Several minutes later after the Messiah Tree Martial Spirit appear, it started to rustle. Its leaves swayed as if it was blown by a soft breeze of air. Seconds later, a number of new phantoms appear out of thin air and those that appear this time were... beasts.

There were a total of ten illusionary beast and all of them had different appearance. There are a beast with a lion body, rhinoceros, mantis, bird, fish, snake, lizard, cat, and a rat.  These beast all release a dark-blue glow.

As for the tenth beast, it was a wolf with a vine whiskers on its muzzle.

After the nine phantom beast appear, they simultaneously gulped as if they were eating air. Those phantom continued for 18 hours.

As for the tenth beast, it flew towards Greeny and fuse with him. And since Greeny worship the Messiah Tree, he didn't stop or avoid the phantom and happily welcome it instead.

When the wolf phantom beast merge with Greeny, the beast instantly felt that he become... powerful. His blood was somehow stimulated and his soul also seems the same. In that instant, Greeny's eyes glinted with intelligence and information was poured in into his mind. Greeny suddenly close his eyes.

On the other hand, Greeny's appearance didn't change at all. The only addition was that the phantom was now covering his body. His green fur looks more vibrant at the moment like a virgin forest and illusionary vine whiskers could sometime be seen from his muzzle.

Moments later, without opening his eyes, the vine whisker was suddenly inserted into the ground. The vine whisker crawl under the ground like an underground snake. The vine crawl for a moment before it attached itself on the root of a tree underground.

The tree rustle. After that, the surrounding eight tree's near it also rustle. Those tree who only absorb the energy in the air normally like the amount of water gulped by a gold fish, suddenly absorbed the energy rapidly like of whale.

Those energies was then refine by the tree and converted into Wood-Energy but instead of being used by those tree's or release into the surrounding, the Wood-Energy flow towards the first tree. Then those Wood-Energy flow towards the two vine and send to Greeny.

A rich amount of Wood-Energy was send to Greeny by those two phantom vine whisker.

After 18 hours, the nine beast phantom faded and vanish. But a minute later, a nine phantom beast once again appear, yet, this time, all of them release an earthy-yellow glow. It lasted for 16 hours.

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