90 - Go Together

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Tomorrow morning, Disciple Apple visit the Beast-Tamer League. She deliver the news about the annual auction hosted by Imperial Family.

According to her, tha auction will happen two days from now which will be hold at Heavenly Fire Imperial City.

There's a great distance between the Five Element Sect and the Heavenly Fire City, perhaps two to three days worth of travel. Fortunately, Mikoes Granji, the Second Lord of Yin-Yang Paradise, have the memory of the place. The others might need days of traveling but he could arrive their in the next second if he wanted to with his [Gate].

The only and also new member of the Beast-Tamer League, Mike, was the one tasked to guard the base for the meantime. He'll be responsible for the base's whole operation, which for now was to mainly accept members. And so, he's temporarily assigned as Manager of the league. The [Ancient Contract of Damnation] was also temporarily handed to him along with the [Intention Stone].

Then Cole briefly told him the uses of everything. And when he said that the worn contract he holds was infact a Holy-Rank Equipment, the poor guy fainted. When he woke up again, he holds the scroll tightly with his trembling hands.

But before he travel to Heavenly Fire City, he'll wait for Ricky to finish his seclusion first before he go there. But if he can't finish his cultivation, Cole will have to go there on his own.

Now that whole day have passed outside, the time inside the [Inner World] are one week. Which means that Ricky was on seclusion for a week already. It seems that digesting the inheritance from [Blood Realm] takes a really long time.

In addition to receiving the inheritance,  it seems that the two are balancing their level. After all, their level both have big difference; Ricky was already a Core Formation-Stage while his beast was just Tier-2.

And so, before that, he'll tinker his base for the meantime.

Yesterday, he was promoted by Grand Elder Caira as an Core Disciple. With that new status, he now have the permission to enter and live into the core area of the Wood-Peak where the Energy was most rich.

And since he have the affinity to both Water and Wood, Grand Elder Caira also gave him the permission, and a special token that acts as the key, to cultivate inside the Convergence Peak.

With all of this new benefits, without a doubt, his status in the Five Element Sect soar to the sky. He's also given an Elder Level authority.

However, he also frankly said that he don't have the idea of moving. The league's target recruits is everyone, which includes from the lowest disciple to the highest. If decided to move towards the core area, or even at the middle area, with the authority of those outer disciples, they won't be able to access those area much less join his group.

And so, instead of moving towards other area, he just requested to gave him the surrounding free area on his base.

His request didn't recieve any kind of opposition. It was because among other area, the Outer-Peak have the most big space and most of those was not in use. And since the area around his base was do free, his request was easily granted.

Although the process runs smooth, Cole knew that it wasn't because he's already known and also arouse Grand Elder Caira's interest, it was probably because he have an item that they need.

The Water of Life might have been sold to Grand Elder Caira but they clearly saw with their own eyes that those [Void Breaking Pill] stored in his spatial ring. Those Grand Elders, Elders, or perhaps including Peak Masters, are currently currying his favor in hopes of easy negotiation. They don't dare to rob the item out of the disciples hand. He's already powerful enough to defeat all of them, after all, they could clearly judge that Disciple Ryan could defeat them and he's defeated by other party.

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