32 - Power of Illusion

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Baby Blue

Later on, the battle continue for some time. It was on the part where those at Fifth-Level Mana Gathering-Stage battle.

As for Cole's travel companion - Nick, Ben and Ken - they all defeated their opponent and were now officially a disciple of Five Element Sect. Although it's hard, as they were almost defeated by their opponent, but they managed.

Of course, Cole and Ricky were happy for them as their purpose was achieved.

Minutes later, a rowdy man with a strength of Fifth-Level Mana Gathering-Stage hop on the stage.

"I'm Brow! Fifth-Level Mana Gathering-Stage! Check pointers with me!" Brow announced loudly.

"I'll share pointers with you." Cole shouted back. He then look at Ricky and said, "Stay here and watch."

Ricky nodded, "Yes, big brother!"

Cole started to walk towards the stage.

"Isn't that guy the Stone Breaker? As far as I remember, he's a Fourth-Level Mana Gathering-Stage right? Why is he battling a Fifth-Level?"

"Beats me. Maybe he's a genius who could defeat opponents with the level difference?"

"Psssh, genius? More like he have a death wish. He definitely just wanted to show off with the girls!"

Cole shakes his head internally after he heard the whisper, or so he thought as they didn't bother to lower their voice, specially the nickname Stone Breaker.

Is Stone Breaker connected to the Testing Stones?


Besides, he was sure to himself that he would impress anyone but woman.

"Were you sleeping little lady? Are you sure your not in the wrong battle platform?" Brow said the moment Cole step on the stage.

"I'm not little and definitely not a lady!" Cole retorted. It's not his fault that his opponent were as tall as a grown bear, making him look a little short next to him!

The nerve!

He already accept the fact that he look like a girl, eventhough most of his face admirers were all perverts so far, but the height...


"If I defeat him, is it still counted as my points?" Brow ask the judge of the battle platform as his challenger was a kid at Fourth-Level Mana Gathering-Stage.

The judge nodded, "Yes. However, the moment we verify that you two are accomplice to pass, then we'll disqualified you both."

"Don't worry. We are not." Answered Cole.

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