6 - Mana Gathering Stage

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Cole is currently inside the Summoning Grimoire's Inner World meditating.

It has been ten days since Cole arrive to this world and there is one thing that he was sure about - he is not logging out!

Cole is sure that he set the gaming helmet alarm at 6 in the morning, eventhough that time orientation between the game and real life is different, is not not exaggerated to the point of 9 hours of gaming is equivalent to 10 days in the game. As far as he know, one hour in real life is equivalent to three hours inside the game which means that his game-time is supposed to be twenty-one hours and not ten days! He should be awake nine days ago and he should be at his work and not in this place meditating.

He can't explain what is happening but he has one thing in his mind that he thinks will explain what is happening; he transmigrated! His soul was in this different body! But why he is in the body of a 15 year old babyface small child?! Don't tell him that when this body mature, he will still look like a immature adult the same as his old body on Earth?! He needs justice!

Well, what is here is here now. He can't change it.

Also, one peculiar thing happen. He inherited the memories of the owner of the body! It was like there is two soul living inside that particular body. But the good thing is, it is only a memories. There is no consciousness. So all that happen to the boy through his life, Cole knows of it. His family, where they suppose to live, all the suffering and anguish, even his village murderer is in that memories!

Yes. The village where this boy live was no more. It was raided by the bands of bandit, the Red Skull Bandit! All the foods and equipment that can be used in that village has been looted by that band of bandits. While all that's revolting has been slain, all the mature woman was raped, those person ranging from 10 to 25 years old has been reduced to slaves and this boy was one of them.

Eventhough Cole doesn't personally knows the owner of this body, since he was using it, he vowed that he will exact revenge for him and that village. He don't know when or how but he promised he will bring them justice one way or another.

Unfortunately, those boy don't know everything in this world. All that he knows is that this world is an cultivation world with different stages. The boy knows that Body Tempering Cultivator is usual and he is a practitioner of this stage himself. Mana Gathering Stage Cultivator is an expert while those at Core Formation Stage is like a God.

The boy has very narrow knowledge about this world maybe because he's from remote village. Remote village that required to pay yearly tribute for protection but when something happen, authorities will turn blind eye. Afterall, what's the use of those ants in those authorities eye right?

So Cole only know what the boy's know, that is why is is itching to find a civilization, for information. He needs information to move forward. Unfortunately, he's still in the middle of nowhere. He's still inside the forest that's look like there is no end! He is moving forward to the very day that he enter this forest but still doesn't reach the other end.

Fortunately, the forest itself has full of fruits. If not he will sure die of starvation. Unfortunately, there is no fire! No matter how good fruit is, your stomach will still find other kind like meat. Cole felt sick. Especially for a city boy like him, eating for 10 days without meat is a nightmare! He miss Burger!

Cole is still meditating. Yesterday, he finally level up from Lv2 to Lv10 but something unexpected happen! All that he need is 1 exp and he will become level 11 but no matter how many enemies he kille, it is still not enough. He encounter a bottleneck! He need to fulfill a requirement before he can level up again. And that requirement is;

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