137 - Shopping

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After leaving the group, Cole decided to follow the trail of Holy Beast Mountain. He wasn't lying when he said that he'll look for them.

But this time, he's looking for them with newfound vigor!

And the very reason was from the loot he acquire from Levi John, the talented disciple of Poltergeist Cult that had the same standing as Lady Scarlet.

This was what he acquire from him;

Ghost Devil Physique (Special Constitution)
Affinity : Yin, Ghost
Type : Heavenly Gift Fruit (Artificial)
Description : A heaven defying fruit that contains the inborn talent called the Ghost Devil Physique. Consume to acquire the special constitution.

Among the loots he acquire, this thing stand out the most! Even the Skill Crystal that contain Blood Manipulation pail in comparison to this Heavenly Fruit!

As someone who also have special physique, he knew just how powerful special constitution was.

For instance, the thing that greatly mark in his mind regarding the Ghost Devil Physique was when Levi use it and become transparent and become ghost as well! In that ghost state, he could by pass physical obstruction and can even hide under the [Divine Sense] of cultivators, which was a very powerful attribute for assassination!

Cole can't deny that he's very tempted to consume this heavenly fruit for himself.

However, for the things like this, he want to give this to his pets first.

As for the reason why, it was very simple; he can use the skills and innate abilities of his pets through [Soul Mimicry] but not the other way around. In fact, his learned skill [Time Heal] should shine more and show its value if it was learned by Virgo instead.

Thus, when it comes to skill and talent drops, he ought to give them to his contracted pets.

Later on, Cole contemplate to give the heavenly fruit between Shelly and Hunter. The two of those uses stealth type skills, Shelly for hiding in the void while for treasure hunting at Hunter.

He think that the two of them could become more powerful with their hidinf ability should they acquire the technique of the ghosts.

But after some more consideration, Cole decided not to give this heavenly fruit to the true.

In his opinion, Hunter already had a powerful innate stealth ability and it was even a spatial type. Having the ghost movement ability will become just a redundant.

As for Shelly... He fear that after the latter enter the ghost body mode, he'll leave all things mounted behind his back. It will defeat the purpose of the floating city.

In the end, he decided to ask his personal encyclopedia for his opinion.

"I fear that I won't be able to help this time Master. Even from the ancient times, heaven defying fruits like this is almost non-existent. It needs a heaven defying luck and literally only the person blessed by the Heaven had the chance to encounter this kind of treasure."

"But if I was to choose my pick, I guess my first choice is Shiela."

Cole subconsciously gave the said ghost a glance. He can't deny that the latter undeniably contribute the most, mostly because of it's powerful base strength. He was even save by her several times already.

Even now, she's still working hard and sealing the corpse puppet inside the block of ice.

"Why Shiela though?" He can't help but ask.

Cole didn't know if his eyes trick him but he seem to see that Baldy glow more brighter as if it was blushing.

"Well... I'm just wondering if after you use this fruit to her, will she be able to exit the Ghost Devil body state and acquire a flesh body?"

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