4 - Pet Space

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After confirming that he was still in the game, Cole relax. Well, it's not like there's a game life features in real life right?

Cole summon his [Summoning Grimoire] and said, "Stats."

Weapon Name : Summoning Grimore
Weapon Rank : Common
Potential : Arcane
Affinity : Space
Weapon Skills : Soul Contract, Soul Synchronization, Beast Summon/Retract

Soul Contract
Description : Creates a contract between the beast and tamer through Soul Energy. Beast can destroy the contract when loyalty reach zero.
Special Restriction : Can't exceed the number of soul branch.
Available Soul Branch : 0

Soul Synchronization
Description : Synchronize with contract beast through soul. Beast can't destroy the contract between them and tamer.
Special Restriction : Has soul contract and loyalty must reach maximum.

Beast Summon/Retract
Description : A spell to summon and retract the beast from their pet space. Consume five energy for every summon and retract of the beast. A beast in the pet space has their HP and energy regeneration doubled.

Cole read all the skills description and understand most of them but he has a vague idea about the [Pet Space].

In the game the [Pet Space] is where the beast are stored when the tamer is not battling. You can't expect the tamer to bring a dragon openly on the city right? In a sense, it is like a pokeball where you can store your Pokemon.

After checking all the details, Cole starts to survey his surroundings. There is nothing much in sight beside a plain land in the front and on the back is a dark forest. He saw the dead green snake near him with three holes in its body and a blue turtle near it. Cole knows it's his very first and soulbound beast and check its stats.

Species Name : Blue Land Turtle
Beast Name : <none>
Level : 2
Exp : 0/2000
Rank : Sky
Potential : Arcane
Affinity : Space/Earth
Type : Beast
HP : 1100
Energy : 900
Beast Skills : Void Bullet, Earth Tremor, Shell Withdraw

Void Bullet
Affinity : Space
Description : Fires a bullet made of space energy. Currently can fire 3 void bullets at the same time. 10 energy will be consume with every bullet.

Earth Tremor
Affinity : Earth
Description : Slams the body to the ground and create a tremor with the Blue Land Turtle as the center. The closer to the center the greater the effect. Affected individuals in the AOE will have their speed decrease. Has a chance to make the invidual stumble. 100 HP will be consume as a recoil damage.

Shell Withdraw
Affinity : Earth
Description : Blue Land Turtle will hide inside of his shell and creates a Earth barrier surrounding the user. The barrier borrows the energy of the Earth and will absorb damage equivalent five times the HP of the user. If the barrier was not attack, recovers the HP and energy base on Earth energy in the surrounding.

After reading all the descriptions and understanding them, Cole feel very motivated. He wants to start moving and level up! Cole doesn't even think twice and moves to the direction of the forest but suddenly stop. How can he even forgot about his beast! He turns and run where his beast are. He looks the distance between where he stand and the forest and judge that it was somehow a little far. Cole can't help but look forward to the time when he will start riding his beast for trasportation like those that he watch riding in their beast in the game.

Cole looks at the blue turtle and chant, "Retract."

[Magic Circle] appear at the bottom of the turtle and it started to sink but half-way the process, a problem occurred! Coles mentality thinks that he was still the game but he is not! In the game, a tamer only need to chant 'retract' and the beast will 'vanish' and will go to their 'pet space' and the process ends. Nonetheless, as it say 'in the game', becuase 'the game' is just a data and a simple but unexplainable process will suffice.

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