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A trace of smile appear on Cole's face when he saw the Beast-Tamer League' base were all shiny and clean. His smile even grew wider when he saw his reflection on the wood wall. He nodded approvingly. The wall was so sleek that he even saw his own reflection.

On the other hand, while Cole was smiling and nodding while he continue his inspection, a two grown men was smiling stiffly on the side; they were Fernan, the bandit leader of Scarface Bandits, and Fernand, the bandit leader of Shadow Walkers Bandits.

Although the two done a great job, on their inside, they were indignant. For goodness sake, they were former bandit leaders! What they were used holding before was a beautiful, classy clothes with a beautiful woman, not some old piece of cloth! They were used on seeing a wine, not this dirty, brown colored water! They were used on rubbing countless number of different coins, not a dusty room! And most of all, they were used to be a killer, not some room cleaner!

The nerve!

The two new found best friend look and console each other. Even the people of the Forest Edge Village doesn't treat them like this. In fact, although they were the guards of the said village, they were still treated like a royalty. After all, they were still a peerless expert at the eyes of the villagers, added to the fact that they were teaching the village the way of cultivation, thus were treated as their teacher, they didn't dare to treat them as a slave.

They were still respected!

But this guy treated them like slave, instructing them to clean a dirty building. A whole, dirty building! They felt that while they were wiping the dust off the wall, their pride comes along with it.

Yet, they can't voice out their complain which makes them felt more aggravated! This guy beat them before, he definitely can still beat them now! Knowing the kid's potential, he's definitely more powerful than them more than ever.

"You guys have stomach ache or something?" Cole asked the two former bandit leader when he notice their contorted face.

The face of the two darken more. For goodness sake, they were smiling! Not enduring some kind of pain!

"No, no. We don't have any of those..." The two men said at the same time with their own, unique flattering voice. "Do you still have commands, Master?" They asked. This time, the two definitely learn the word 'adapt'.

Cole felt his body shivered from Fernan's smiling face with his big, nasty scar. He felt that he was looked by some kind of pedophile. At least, Fernand have no scar and looks like a middle-aged man butler. In short, he look decent.

"No, I don't have more commands." He answered Fernan's question.

While looking at the two, Cole pondered for a moment.

He felt that he need some kind of helper or runner and Fernand was the best candidate but he felt that leaving only Fernan as the sole guardian of the village was not very reassuring.

Feeling the strange gaze of Cole, Fernan instinctively put his hands in chest protectively.

Cole raise his brows when he saw the gesture. It felt and look strange as if it was meant to be very offending but he don't get the meaning of the action. It was just his guts telling him that it's not really a good thing.

He look at Fernan strangely. In fact, leaving only Fernan in the village wasn't reassuring at all. But without any other option, Cole need to send them both again to the Forest Edge Village.

He open the [Gate] which leads to a place near the Forest Edge Village.

After the two return, Cole summon another [Gate] and enter the [Inner World].

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