187 - Beast Summoning

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Cole don't have a reason to deny Master Timber's request. Only, he would have to wait until all of his subordinates finish their own tribulation.

However, Master Timber's approach gave him an idea. A big idea could give his faction a force that could threaten and intimidate the human powerhouses of whole Azure Territory. An idea that could make a boomlike growth for his force.

Cole hesitate for a moment before he call Dian and commands, "Dian, release a news that in exchange for 10 years of service, the Rising Phoenix Spirit Tree Nation is willing to assist a peak Nascent Soul stage when they face their Heavenly Tribulation."

When it comes to matters of expert, it was already out of Dian's expertise. The latter didn't question nor said his opinion and just execute the command.

After Dian leave, Cole already think about the consequences of his decision.

The very first thing he have to solve is the security of Towering Tree City and its surrounding village.

With the mentality of every expert in this world, it could be expected that those peak Nascent Soul stage that'll flood the territory after they heard the news won't put the commoners in their eyes. They'll act all mighty and powerful than all of their actions won't consider if they accidentally kill an 'ant' in their surrounding.

Therefore, the very first thing he have to address is the security of his territory. As for his martial force, it even have yet to take shape, much less protect them from external expert.

Without a choice, Cole could only shift his attention to his own force.

Fernan and Fernando is already a Void Sensing expert and they were more than enough to ensure the security of small Towering Tree City. But what worry Cole is those scattered village.

He need to add another manpower in his side.

And there is one thing that could do this.

Immediately, Cole call all of his subordinates and brought them inside the [Inner World] and he bring them in front of shrine that seem to be eaten by an old tree as it was embedded in the very tree's trunk.

To ensure the security in the outside, Cole only brought Fernan, Fernand, Fernando and his brother-in-law.

And the shrine in their front is exactly the Beast Gate Shrine.

"This is the place where all of you will summon your companion beast. For the meantime, only Fernan and Fernando can summon their companion beast. As for Fernand, you could only spectate." Cole said.

As for his brother-in-law, he already have a plan to make him contract a Golden Bee since it was a bonafide Divine-Rank beast.

However, his initial plan for his brother-in-law is great and all but it wasn't without a flaw since Golden Bee's greatest strength is number. He have to talk about this matter to his brother-in-law and he'll make a decision on his own.

"You only need to stand in front of the shrine and wish for your companion beast. Make sure that inside your heart and mind, you'll treat your companion beast a true companion and not just a tool or otherwise, you won't be able to summon a beast." Cole stated the restriction of the shrine.

However, he don't need to remind them of that. The other four have envied Cole everytime they dungeon dive since most of the works were usually done by his contracted beast. Deep in their hearts, a sprout of wanting have already appear and they knew that despite to what they know, beast is not just a enemy and a tool of cultivators but also a trusted companion and family.

"Don't worry, young master Cole. Perhaps the others won't treat their companion beast as equal but not us." Fernan stated.

No kidding. Don't forget that they were controlled through parasitic medium of Cole's companion beast. This means that their companion beast is on the same status, in name at the least, to the one that holds their life. If don't treat their companion beast just like their own ancestor, their ruthless true master won't hesitate to claim their lives.

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