15 - Towering Tree City

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The villagers just clean up the messed when Cole come back with Fernan in tow.

The villagers just stood in front of Cole waiting for his speech. Even the village's woman, elderly, and kids who were hiding before was now out, Margaret and Ricky included.

When the bandits came, both Margaret and Ricky also hide along with the other. They even started to cry inside their hiding place for both Cole and Richard as well as the others.

However, not even that long had passed yet Richard came to fetch them and was told what transpired.

Everyone felt happy and proud, specially Ricky. It was his brother afterall. And for Ricky who idolizes Cole so much, he was the happier of all.

And seeing his strong brother again, Ricky can't help but run to Cole and hug him, hard.

Cole just smiled at Ricky. God knows how much Ricky like to hug, specially to him. He just ruffled the boy's head.

"As you can see, I'm with the bandit leader." Cole started. The villagers just look to him and Fernan. "He will be the guardian of the Forest Edge Village starting from now on. He will protect the village with his life and will even teach those who are interested in cultivation." Cole explained to the whole village.

The whole villagers has their mouth agape. They know how powerful the bandit leader are yet he will be the village guardian? That is absurd!

He can do whatever he want in this part of place because he was so powerful and yet, he will be the village guardian? This is unbelievable!

They can even learn cultivation from him! Although the adult doesn't really care about cultivation as they were already old and pass the best age for cultivation, but their kids wasn't!

This is their Forest Edge Village turning point!

"Is... Is th-this t-true?" The village chief asked stuttering. His breath was even labored.

"That is true." It was Fernan who answered the village chief question.

There were no reaction but seconds later, the whole village cheered.

Cole let them for a minute before he said, "Okay, let's rest now. Some of us will travel the road tommorrow."

All the villagers nod and started to walk towards their house with big smile on their faces.

Tommorrow morning.

Cole, Richard and the village chief was now ready to set-off.

Before, when the village sell their harvest, it was only composed with two wagons. Yet now, the wagon they will bring to the city was numbered five. They have a bountiful harvest this year.

Ofcourse, Ricky will come along with them and as a loving big brother, Cole say yes.

Fernan started his duty. He was left out in the village and guard the villagers.

Half a day of travel later, they were now in front of Towering Tree City. They were outside the city's towering wall and waited their turn. In their front was a gate and every civilians and caravans alike has to wait their turn to be inspected.

Half an hour later, it was finally their turn. They enter the gate arch and was stopped by one of the guards. Cole know this as he watched those before them.

"Identification Token." The guard spoke with lazy tone. That guard was doing this thing for years now that he was at the point that he was sick of his work. However, sick or not, this was his stable job. Proudly, he can even say that he can identify almost all that passed here most of the time.

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