37 - Tier-3 Beast at Last!

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Two days later, Cole is in meditation at his dwelling place.

Wood Peak, as stated by its name, was a mountain full of towering trees. And as if living up on its name, the disciples dwelling, their room for the rest of their stay on the Peak, was a cave carved out from the tree. When Cole saw this tree for the first time, he was very amazed as it looks like a condominium made of wood. Of course, he was also amazed by the tree itself since its body was as big as a buildings from planet Earth, if not bigger.

He really love his place. It still maintain its touch, look and connection with nature.

And as the whole Wood Peak practically looks like a forest more than anything, the Wood-Energy were plentiful, more plentiful than any other forest he had been to so far. In addition, the Energy felt more pure as if refined. It was easy to absorb and integrate as his own.

It's not just the Wood-Energy were plentiful here. As he could use almost all the types Energy, he could feel that the Light-Energy was also plentiful in this place. Due to this, he thought that this should be the second mastery of the Wood Peak, the Light.

Of course, Light-Energy were always present, be it night or day. However, in here, the available Light-Energy here was almost double. It was refine too like the Wood.

This was also why Cole was currently cultivating as his Light-Energy improved with half the effort. If it was to be estimated, the available Light-Energy on his Dantian was like a Third-Level Mana Gathering-Stage.

Feeling too happy with his current visible improvement, Cole continuously run his [Dantian Genesis Cultivation Method] and improved for every second.

The [Dantian Genesis Cultivation Method] was truly a magical method. He was not a fan of meditation since he felt that he could achieved levelup with his exp received when he kill his foe. However, now that he was in meditation and absorbing the different energy, he saw what make it special; it could absorb any type of Energy!

But it was only his theory that the method was magical and amazing since both his other was not design for absorbing Energy. For instance, his [Myriads Beast Soul-Branch Technique] was meant for splitting his soul as well as strengthening it while the [Heavenly Beast-God Technique] was for his body and physique. The latter may be able to absorb energies, but it was limited to Space and Earth-Energy due to Shelly as his chosen Soulbound Beast to cultivate it with.

The [Heavy Mountain Cultivation Method] was also limited on absorbing specifically the Earth-Energy.

Moments later, Cole stir and exhale foul energies and impurities, then he open his eyes. He felt the urge and wanted to eat. He was from Earth and not eating even one meal for a day makes him feel less human.

After he ate, he then check his status panel;

User's Name : Cole
Class : Tamer
Profession : ∅
CS : Core Formation Stage (First Level)
Progress : 23.5%
CM : Myriads Beast Soul Branch Technique (Peak-Third Stage), Beast God Technique (High-Fifth Stage), Dantian Genesis Cultivation Method (Mid-Third Stage)
Innate : Heavenly Eyes
Skills : Find Loots, Time Heal, Teleportation
Weapon : ∅
Equipment : Summoning Grimoire
Martial Spirit : Messiah Tree
Tamed Beast : Fire Lizard (-), Armored Demon Treant (-), Flower Bell Fairy (-), Lightning Illusionist Fox (Fifth-Level Tier-2), Water Spirit Carp (-)
Soulbound Beast : Blue Land Turtle (-), Grandmist Paratism White Dragon (-)

System Store : Beast Store Available
System Points : 200 points

The [Teleportation] is the skill he managed to learn in his 'sleep session' in the formation.

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