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"HAPPY birthday, Jasper," Jae said, waking the smaller male up with butterfly kisses all over his face.

JASPER groaned, "no thank you." Jasper whined out, rolling over and away from Jae who faces now held a pout.

"Fine, I'll just let everyone know you don't want to be around us." Jae dramatically sobbed out.

Jasper rolled his eyes, turning to face Jae. "Stop being a baby, gimme a kiss," Jasper spoke, puckering his lips. Within a second Jae was on top of him, pressing their lips together, his tongue slipping past Jasper's lips and roaming his mouth.

A small giggle was heard by the doorway, pull males pull away, look to see who it was. There stood Brax, "you're already giving him his gift?" Brax asked, tilting his head to the side in an innocent manner. Jae groaned, "not anymore you killed the mood."

Jae placed one last kill to Jasper's lips before getting up and leaving the two.

"Hi." Brax said.



"Hello." Jasper giggled.

"I'm glad Jae left," Brax admitted walking in the room and closing the door, locking it behind him.

Jasper watched the male, "why's that?" He asked as the taller male approached the bed.

"Wanted to give you my present first." Brax said, crawling on top of Jasper, placing his hands beside Jasper's head, trapping him.

Jasper pushed up, pressing their lips together, "what is it?" He asked, between kisses, reaching down and playing with the hem of Brax's shirt.

"You, you," Brax spoke, pulling away, "you get to top me."

The smaller male's eyes widen. "W-What?" Jasper sputtered out.

Brax loved the male's reaction, "I want you in me, please." He grabbed the male's tiny waist and flipped Jasper so he was on top.

"I, I have never topped before," Jasper spoke.

Brax let out a chuckle, "Nah dip."

Jasper smacked his chest. "Not funny." Which made Brax let out another laugh.

The male removed his shirt as well, moving off Brax and tugging the tall male's pants off. "A-Are you prepped?" Jasper asked.

Brax nodded, turning over and reaching down, and removing his boxers for Jasper.

Jasper's face flushed pink as he noticed a plug placed in the male's hole.

The smaller male pulled his pants down, tossing them to the side. He tugged at the butt plug, making Brax moan. "Don't fuck me with the butt plug, I want your dick."

Jasper smirked to himself, pulling the plug out halfway and pushing it back in, making Brax groan. "You ass."

"You like my ass." Jasper giggled out, making Brax roll his eyes.

"Okay, okay, now, please fuck me with your dick," Brax begged, pushing his ass back, making him receive a slap to his ass.

Jasper quickly removed the plug and thrust right into Brax's needy hole, letting out a moan the pleasure from his dick sliding against Brax's tight walls.

"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck." Jasper groaned out, thrusting into Brax at an animalistic pace. The sensation was new Jasper and he couldn't get enough of it.

All Brax could do was grip the bedsheets and moan loudly at the pleasure Jasper's thick cock was causing.

Brax's moans turned into small whimpers and soon pleads for more.

"Please, more, I'm so close." Brax cried out.

Jasper's hand found its way to the middle of Brax's back, forcing the male's torso down and against the bed.

The smaller male picked up his already harsh pace, leading the male below him to his orgasms.

Jasper soon followed the male and released him into Brax's hole, a moment later he pulled away and laid down beside a collapsed Brax.

Brax smiled lazily at Jasper.

"Happy birthday."

I'm number one in BL?!?!


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