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AXEL picked up Jasper and tossed him into the bed, crawling on top of him.

AXEL pressed down into Jasper, rubbing up against him, in a slow taunting manner and Jasper knew it was because he knew he won. Axel's body push down into Jasper, their crotches rubbing together his movement slow and soft, which was unlike how he was treated last time.

Axel's hand went up to his throat and Jasper started to push and move, not wanting to be choked again. Yet, instead of feeling a hand wrap around his neck, he felt Axel's hand, tuck a piece of hair behind his ear.

Jasper's eyes met Axel's who held a softer look, "I'm not allowed to hurt you, so don't fear. My marks will no longer be on your beautiful skin." Axel said, sitting up and sitting back from Jasper.

The said male, slowly sat up, watching Axel carefully as he pulled his legs up to his chest, holding them.

"Why not?"

"Jae said we can't hurt what's ours unless you want it," Axel said, a clear pout covering his face.

Jasper nodded, "so Jae is the leader?"

"You have never seen him mad. He turns into the hulk, he doesn't feel anything, and all he does is rage and destroy things." Axel said, "you think any of us are crazy, you just wait."

Jasper gulped, taking in the words. "But you're stronger than him." He said eyeing the muscles that peaked through his tee-shirt.

"Yeah, but not when he is angry." Axel said, "no one is stronger than him."

Jasper nodded at the male. "So if I asked you to hurt me, you would?"

Axel nodded, biting his lip. "Don't tease me. I have very little willpower to not choke you until you see stars and fuck you until your head is floating with them." Axel hissed out.

"I - I think I should go," Jasper said and Axel shrugged.

"You wouldn't be the first to leave cause they couldn't handle me."

"Wouldn't or couldn't?" Jasper argued back.

"Wouldn't. No one wanted to please me how I wanted and instead decided to label me as crazy. Bruises turn me on, pain turns me on, you turn me on. I can not help who I am." Axel said, "bruises show that you are mine."

"Isn't that possessive?" Jasper commented, making Axel scoff.

"Baby, if you're mine, you will only and always be mine." Axel said, "I don't share."

"But aren't you sharing me?"

Axel laughed, "I have you all to myself right now and my fingers are itching to be wrapped around your pretty little throat as you beg for more."

Jasper got up from the bed, "I think it's time for me to go."

Axel chuckled, "so frightened of something you never had."

Jasper walked to the door, "you choked me once and I didn't like it, what would change it now?"

"Now I have to play nice." Axel said, "consider that a blessing. You would already be pinned to the bed, begging and pleading I let you go, let you breathe. So I suggest you play nice to the doctor, wouldn't want you to end up with more beautiful marks on that neck of yours."

Jasper quickly walked out and closed the door behind him, panting heavily. "What are these people doing to me?" He mumbled to himself as he walked away.

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