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JAE pulled Jasper into his lap, their lips connecting more harshly this time.

JAE allowed his hands to travel down Jasper's back, brushing against the shirt and sending shivers down Jasper's spine. Jae's hands roamed over the doctor's body as if was his own. His hands dropped to Jasper's ass, squeezing harshly.

Jae pulled slightly back from the kiss, "Is that okay?" He asked, making Jasper nod, before pulling Jae's mouth back against his, savoring the taste. Jasper's hands roamed over the front of Jae's body, feeling the hard muscle flex under his fingertips.

Jasper's small hands grabbed at Jae's shirt tugging on it, Jae smirked into the kiss, pulling back and removing his shirt slowly, allowing Jasper to watch, his eyes now scanning over newly revealed skin.

Jae's abs flexed as he reached behind Jasper again, his hands following on the male's ass as if it belonged there, which it felt like it did.

Jasper's hips buckled at the now harsh touch, making Jae release a breathy fuck under his breath.

The moan made the younger male's whole mood completely change and all he wanted now was nothing more than to be manhandled and thrown onto the bed, but with Jae, it would be too risky with a male who doesn't feel pain and can go into a completely blind rage.

So he allowed himself to be treated gently, Jae's hands took their time feeling up and down the doctor's frame. His hands slowly pulled the male's top off, his hands brushed against Jasper's perched nipples.

Jae slowly stood up, Jasper's legs wrapped around his waist, taking Jasper's body with him and slowly landing the smaller male on the bed. The soft sheets met Jasper's bareback, as Jae slowly got on top of him.

"Is this okay?" Jae asked as he peppered kissed down Jasper's abdomen, Jasper nodded, "yes." Jasper whispers out, savoring every soft touch that Jae laid upon his pale skin.

Jae pulled away, meeting Jasper's eyes, asking if the male was sure through his eyes.

"Please, just fuck me already." Jasper pleaded, desperately, his hands going and wrapping themselves in between Jae's soft brown locks. His tiny hands tugged on the hair.

Jae groaned, "you don't want to do that." He whispers, lowly looking at Jasper. "I might do something I regret."

"L - Like what," Jasper asked, his voice trembling at the powerful male above him.

Jae raised a brow, leaning down close to Jasper's ear, his breath fanning over Jasper's neck. "Unlesss, you like rough, animalistic sex, with no breaks, multiple orgasms, tons of edging and many bruises and makes covering your skin," Jae said, biting down on Jasper's earlobe.

The doctor shivered at the words, he could feel the excitement rushing through his body at the thought.

Jasper watched as Jae pulled away and made eye contact with him.

"A-And what if I want that?" Jasper asked, biting the inside of his cheeks awkwardly.

Jae's face turned into a devilish smirk, before leaning in close to Jasper's face. His eyes never leaving the others, he grabbed Jasper's jaw, forcing the male to only look in his direction. A tsk sound left the male's mouth.

"Are you sure you want to test me?" Jae asked, making sure that Jasper knew what he was getting into. "If you let me do what I want to you, I might not be able to stop myself."

Jasper nodded slowly.

Jae let out a hum in approval, "you only have to do one thing, baby and I'll do whatever you want."

"What?" Jasper asked.

Jae smirked again, releasing Jasper's face and backing away.


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