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JASPER fell asleep soon after, Jae left him to sleep in peace.

JAE went down the stairs, walking into the kitchen to see Brax and Cody making out against the counter. "Take that somewhere else. I don't want to watch you guys fuck, again."

Cody pulled away, "you didn't mind the first time." He winked, before going back to tasting Brax, his hands going behind Brax and gripping his ass.

"Out, now." Jae spat, making the two males quickly pull away and rush out of the kitchen. Not wanting to anger the male.

Harper came into the kitchen, seeing Cody and Brax leaving, making him shake his head, before walking in to see Jae, holding his head.

"Calm down, hulk," Harper said, going back and rubbing the male's shoulders, pressing a kiss to his neck. "Those boys never listen."

"Could you blame them? Jasper is the first male to ever look at any of us without judging what we have been through." Harper said, "he doesn't even really mind being with us, even when it wasn't by choice."

Jae nodded at the words, "he's choosing to understand us. He could save us and it's not fair to do what we did."

"You're thinking about it too, aren't you?"

"It's fair, right?" Jae asked, turning to face Harper. "We are being selfish because he could be saving others like he is with us, but we took him."

Harper's hands reached up and brushed into Jae's hair, "you might be the hothead, but you were also the clearest."

Jae smiled, closing his eyes. "Thank you. If I wasn't, imagine how terrible you guys would be."

Harper clicked his tongue, "shut up. I'm level-headed."

"Unless you see blood," Jae said, opening his eyes and smirking at Harper.

"Blame my dad for my bloodlust. He literally would make me think it was normal." Harper said.

"Blame the dad," Jae laughed, "and I already know. You told me about his knife play and how he would make you do it at young ages."

"Bastard didn't even explain it wasn't normal, just kept doing it so I thought it was, you have no room to talk. We both got daddy issues." Harper spoke.

Jae nodded, "but unlike you, I don't call people daddy in bed."

Harper's face turned red. "I did that one time and you never let it go."

"It was hot, really took me over the edge."

Harper shoved the male, making Jae let out a laugh. "I told you not to talk about it."

"Much like you, I'm a hard head," Jae said.

Harper glared at Jae. "How dare you, Axel is worse than me."

"That doesn't make it better. Axel goes out of his way to not listen." Jae laughed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"And? He is still worse!" Harper argued.

"You sure do talk a lot of shit, but still beg for this cock, baby," Axel said, leaning against the wall, staring at Harper.

"We aren't blood-related, so I can beg for whoever's a dick I want and I just happen to like yours."

"All I'm saying is, you keep talking shit and I'll shove this cock in your mouth to make you stop," Axel said, pushing off the wall and turning away.

Harper looked at Jae, making Jae tilt his head, allowing Harper to happily rush out the room, running to his stepbrother.

Jae rolled his eyes, he didn't grow up with a perfect family, his dad made sure of that, so for the longest time, Jae hated the idea of family, until he met this one.

Being normal for them was impossible, but with each other, being normal was boring anyways.

Jae finally felt a place where he belonged and where he belonged was with his new family.

They were weird, crazy, insane, but they were his and that made them perfect. He just hoped Jasper would see that one day.

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