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"SHE will be remembered."

JASPER wiped his tears as he watched the casket descent into the ground. The rain added to the theme of death and the all-around bad mood.

The main doctor came up to Jasper, patting his back. "A shame what happened," Louis said.

Jasper nodded sadly. "You were there, right? Did she have her keys on her?" Louis asked, making Jasper perplex on why he would care about getting the keys back when Lacey just died.

"Yeah, she came in through the doctor's door," Jasper said.

Louis looked confused. "She didn't have them when they took the body way."

"Wait, what?" Jasper said, his phone started ringing, "excuse me." He spoke, stepping far away, under a tree to keep his phone dry from the rain.

He answered the call, "now baby, who are you hanging out with? Should I kill him like I killed that guard and Lacey?" Axel said through the phone.

Jasper's eyes widen as he scanned the cemetery, landing on a group of men who stayed far back.

His eyes landed on Louis, the male close by him, but Louis didn't seem to notice as he was reading the tombstone.

"He's the main doctor," Jasper said, he heard a chuckle.

"Not anymore." Axel ended the call, rushing to the head doctor in a fast pace, pulling out a large knife and slicing off Louis' head in one quick motion.

Jasper dropped his phone and ran to his car, he unlocked the door and got in. He started the car and looked over to see Axel laughing as if it was some sort of sick joke. It made Jasper's stomach turn.

The car roared to life as he drove as rapidly as he could home. He quickly got there, darting into his home, locking the door, and shoving his dining room table in front of it. He went to his room, grabbing the baseball bat from under his bed, going into his closet, and holding his only weapon close to him.

He began to hyperventilate when he heard footsteps outside his room. They found him, he's done for.

This is it, Jasper thought, I'm going to die.

He heard his bedroom door get kicked down and a taunting 'tsk' sound fill the room, he knew it was Axel.

"Come on babe, you can't hide from us forever." He said, walking over to the closest and grabbing the door, opening it slowly, smirking when he saw Jasper.

Jasper tried not to gag as he was Louis' blood covering his face and shirts. He grabbed the bat and swung it at Axel's head, hitting him dead on.

Axel fell back, holding his head, making the doctor surprised at how he was still conscious after such a deadly blow.

Jasper quickly rushed out the room, almost plummeting downstairs, stumbling, but was able to catch himself.

He reached the door but stopped when he heard glass shatter. He turned to face the noise, seeing Cody standing there in the kitchen, his tilted in a false innocence, making Jasper believe that it was Dylan instead.

"Oh, where are you going?" Dylan asked, "we haven't even gotten to the fun stuff baby." He spoke.

Jasper reached for the handle and turned it, he pulled the door open, and before he could take a step, the door slam in front of him.

He looked up to see Jae standing there, anger on his face. "You hurt Axel, now I gotta hurt you." He spoke, his voice deep and dark. Jasper shivered at the voice.

Jae grabbed his head, "this will only hurt for a second." He said, before slamming Jasper's face into the door.

Jasper's vision became blurry before it went dark.

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