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"UM, I'm your new Doctor Jasper Elms."

AXEL smirked, "exactly my new toy." Jasper shivered at the comment, looking around the room set up.

A bed tucked into the corner, small bookshelves a few feet away, a dresser against the other side. A metal table in the middle of the room, for appointments.

Jasper made his way to the table, sitting down on one of the chairs. Axel got up and gradually made his way over the table, the smirk never leaving his face as he sat down.

His hands rested against his heads, tilting his head, "aren't you going to ask me why I'm like this, I tell you I like it, and then you tell me it isn't right?"

Jasper didn't reply to that, instead asked, "How are you today?"

"What?" Axel replied, caught off guard.

"How are you today?" Jasper repeated, tucking some falling hair behind his ears.

Axel paused for a moment, before collecting himself, "horny, and I can't seem to find someone worth hurting. You," Axel said getting up and tautly walking over to Jasper, his finger dragging across the table as he walked, he stopped in front of Jasper, who looked up at him, "on the other hand would look beautiful with my hand around your throat."

Within an instant Jasper was picked up and slammed on the table, a cry of discomfort leaving his mouth as Axel got on top of him and began choking him. "P- Please." Jasper cried out, scratching at Axel's hands.

"Begging already?" Axel smirked; grabbing Jasper's wrist with his other hand and harshly pushing them up and above his head, holding them there.

Jasper unleashes a noise of pain, making Axel let out a hum of satisfaction, "your cries are so hot." Axel said, finally removing his hand from around Jasper's throat he smirked seeing the red outline of his hand.

"That's going to leave a bruise," Axel pouted, falsely, leaning in his hot breath hitting Jasper's ear, "it's a good thing I like 'em." He said, brushing his lips against the smaller male's ear.

His lips attached themselves to Jasper's pale neck, biting and sucking, as Jasper tried to push him away, weakly.

The smaller male tried to wiggle out of the grip of Axel, who only tighten his hand.

"S- Stop," Jasper spoke, his voice horse and rough.

"The fun is only getting started," Axel said against his neck, biting down hard, compelling Jasper to release a noise, that made Axel bite harder on the abused skin.

The smaller male let a whimper part from his lips, making Axel smirk against the soft skin, now covered in a trail of hickeys. Jasper could feel himself slipping away slowly from all pleasure he was feeling.

If Axel didn't stop soon, Jasper would be putty in his hands within a few seconds.

After placing a few more bite marks, Axel removed himself from Jasper, proud of the work he has done to the smaller's neck.

Jasper instantly sat up, rubbing his throat trying to soothe the pain.

His face was stained with tears, as he got off the table.

Axel smirked, gazing at his artwork that scattered against the boy's neck.

The bright pink and red tones contrasted beautifully with the pale white skin.

Jasper fled to the door, earning Axel to laugh at his hurried action, "hope you come back soon, don't want those bruises to go away." He taunted as Jasper closed the door behind him.

Before the guards were able to ask any questions, Jasper was already down the corridor and out of sight.

He refused to tell anyone what happened, he was too ashamed to tell anyone.

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