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"WHAT happened that was so bad during your childhood?"

AXEL laughed, "should I start with what went right?" Axel joked.

"Me and Harper's parents didn't want kids, but they were both complete sadists. This isn't a bad thing until you become crazy with the thought of always hurting someone and wanting to even hurt kids. That was originally what they wanted to do with us, hurt us for their pleasure until they realized that maybe it would be more exciting to watch us hurt others." Axel explained, thinking back before continuing.

"So they trained us, taught us and until we were their puppets. We believed what we were doing was okay, being trained sadists and lusting over pain, regardless of how much we hurt the other. I was trained to hurt as much as I please and not care about how the other person felt. Harper on the other hand was led into a pit of blood lust. Our parents sure had their fun with us." Axel dryly chuckled. "The only reason why I and Harper were sent to an mental hospital rather than jail was all due to Jae's dad making connections to keep us out of there."

Jasper met Axel's eyes, "they made you like hurting people?"

"More than we should ever like to hurt someone," Axel spoke, walking past Jasper and into the kitchen.

The doctor followed behind him, sitting on the counter as Axel grabbed a fresh pineapple and began chopping it near Jasper.

"What's is it like in your mind?" Jasper asked.

"You sure wanna go to that dark of a place?" Axel chuckled, shaking his head.

Jasper nodded, "yeah."

"Well right now, I have to fight the urges to take this knife and place it against your neck. Fighting these thoughts causes me migraines."

"O-Oh, why?" Jasper asked, trying to overlook what the male said.

Axel took the knife and stuck it into the cutting board, taking a piece of the now cut-up pineapple and feeding it to Jasper who gladly accepted it, his lips wrapping around the tip of Axel's finger.

The taller male shivered, "all my brain does is think about ways to hurt someone."

"But have you ever thought about instead of fighting those thoughts, learning how to lesser how dark they are?" Jasper asked.

Axel took his piece of pineapple, "hmm," he hummed while chewing. "So if I wanted to slice off your head off, I could just choke you instead?" Axel asked, tilting his head.

"Metaphorically speaking, yes," Jasper said, lowing his eyes from Axel's intense gaze.

Axel chuckles, "who said that was a metaphor?" He asked.

Jasper quickly looked back up, making Axel let out an actual laugh at the sight. "Come down, you dear. I was simply joking. I won't do it unless you ask." Axel said, sending a wink. "All you ever have to do is ask."

Jasper rolled his eyes, "I'll let you know when I need a good choking."

Axel grabbed around a piece of pineapple, throwing it up and checking it in his mouth. "Cool, I'll be here waiting to wrap my hands tightly around that beautifully unmarked neck."

Jasper had chills running down his spine, making him shake a little. Axel saw and smirked, "all you have to do is ask." Axel said walking behind the male and running a finger against Jasper's jawline and brushing down the male's throat, tapping the male's neck, teasing Jasper.

Axel leaned over, brushing his lips against the smaller male's neck, "just ask." He spoke softly, almost as a whisper.

Jasper's head tilted to the side, automatically, allowing Axel more access to his neck, making a deep chuckle leave Axel's lips. "Ask, dear."

"I'm asking," Jasper whispered out breathlessly. "Please."

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