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"MY freedom, I was already offered that."

JASPER said, "I declined once before and I'll do it again." Axel chuckled, shaking at the male's bold statement.

"Doctor. Doctor. Doctor." Axel spoke in a taunting way. "Doctor, you can't save us, if we don't want to be saved."

Jasper faced the male, a grim look taking over his face. "what?"

"We were all talking and as much as we want to change and be these good people, we are struggling to let our past go for you. I don't want to keep dropping my problems on you, it makes me feel guilty and I bet the others feel that way too. We need time and we want you to live your life, instead of putting it on pause for us. You deserve the whole world, baby." Axel explained.

"Why are you saying this?" Jasper asked.

Axel shook his head, "because as much love as everyone in the house has for you, we all know you deserve more than we can offer right now. We aren't good for you, we never were. We were selfish to take you and keep you away from the world who needs you. So please, we want you to go and live your life."

"You don't want my help?" Jasper questioned.

Axel sighed, grabbing Jasper's clothes and handing them to him. He pulled his pants up, meeting Jasper's sad eyes. "Not now, we have to want to change, and right now we aren't ready for that. We aren't ready to officially let go of our past and how damaging it was. You heard our stories, how terrible it was, you see the outcome of our upbringing. Some of us have a harder time moving on and to completely change and become bigger you have to let go of the things that weigh you down, we are weighing you down. Let us get our lives together for you, baby." Axel explained further.

Jasper placed his clothes back on, nodding. "I understand. I hate this, but I understand. I don't want to leave you guys, what if I never see you again?"

"Trust me, when we are ready, you'll find us," Axel said a small smile filling his face. The first smile Jasper had ever seen come from the male and probably the first real smile he had in years. "Jae will kill me if we lost you completely."

Jasper sighed, "what do I do?" He asked.

"The cops are going to question you, but you'll be fine. You'll find a new job or keep working at your old one, whichever your choice. You'll move on, maybe even forget about us for a while, but you will be okay." Axel reassured.

Jasper nodded, as Axel led him to the front door.

The doctor took one more look at Axel, before turning to face the door once more. He reached for the handle, turning the knob and opening the door.

His nostrils got a whiff of fresh air, his eyes adjusting to the bright light of the sun. "How will I find you?" Jasper asked.

"We'll find you." Axel chuckled, "trust me on that one."

Jasper nodded, taking his first step outside the house before he fully began walking. Where? He had no idea, but he knew in the end, his feet would take him to the right where he needed to be, even if where he needed to be was away from the place he wanted to be.


When the group of males made it back to the house they could tell Jasper was gone, the aura he brought with him left as well.

Jae went over to Axel, "I know it was hard, but I'm glad you were able to do it." Axel just nodded.

Brax entered the kitchen where the two were, "I'm going to miss him." Brax said.

Cody went up behind the male, hugging his back. "We all will, but next time we see him, we will be better. We will be ready." Cody reassured.

Brax nodded, "if I make it till then."

"Don't say that, of course, you will." Cody said, "I'll make sure of it."

Harper walked into the kitchen, went to the fridge a grabbed a bottle of water. "You know it's going to be harder without him."

"We can and will do it." Axel said, "if not for us, make it for him. I just hope he waits."

Jae nodded. "We all do."

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