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"YOU have an appointment in half an hour."

LACEY said, closing the door behind her as she left. Jasper sighed to himself, picking up the folder for his next patient and he could only imagine how damaged this person was.


Likes fire, hurts himself. Doesn't feel pain?


Jasper was relieved to know that Brax wasn't as bad as the others he dealt with. He just was worried about how he was going to take notes if he can't have sharp objects near him.

He figured he would just have to make mental noted and hope to god his shitty memory didn't decide to come out at that time.

He checked the clock hanging on the wall, seeing as he had about twenty minutes before meeting the new patient.

He grabbed his notebook, made a couple of notes, and read what he had written while in the rooms with his patients.

Jasper made a side note to talk to the head doctor about Dylan, Cody's other alter. It made the brown hair male wonder if he had any more personalities at play.

He started to make a couple of side notes, one about looking into disassociative identity disorder, as he has never come across it.

The time slowly came as he got up, grabbed his white coat, and headed down the long corridor. Jasper went up the stairs to the second floor, he noticed that all his patients were right by each other and it made Jasper think if they all got here around the same time.

He shook his head, clearing his thoughts as he headed to the door where the two guards stood, both talking about some football game the night before. The conversation quieted when they saw the small doctor standing in front of them.

"You the doc?" One asked, Jasper, nodded.

"You're tiny." The other said, taking out his keycard.

Jasper blushed at the statement, "oh, um thank you?" Jasper questioned.

"It's cute. You're cute." The guard said, swiping the card.

Jasper's face turned a bright red at the comment, as the guard opened the door allowing Jasper to go inside.

A male laid down on the bed, picking at his hangnails, he didn't even bother looking at Jasper who entered. He just looked bored and unamused.

"Hi, I'm Jasper."

"Didn't ask, don't care. You can talk to me when you have a match or lighter." Brax said, turning his back towards the doctor.

"Why do you want that?" Jasper asked, still standing by the door.

Brax scoffed, turning his upper body to look at the doctor, "you read my file, you know why. Don't ask questions you know the answer to."

Jasper gulped harshly, "sorry. I figure it's easier to talk about things when you tell me yourself."

Brax turned back to the wall, still picking at his nails, pulling in the skin, Jasper watched as one began to bleed, but Brax seem unfazed.

Jasper walked over and grabbed Brax's arm gently, pulling it to him.

Brax curiously watched as Jasper reached in his pocket and pulled out an alcohol wipe, cleaning the cut. Brax stared as Jasper wiped down the bleeding skin.

Jasper pulled out a bandaid, wrapping it around the male's finger. "You didn't feel that?" Jasper whispered, letting go of Brax's finger.

"I don't feel anything, anymore." Brax whispered back, "I hurt myself to feel." He admitted, looking up at Jasper.

"What about fire? Why fire?" Jasper asked in a soft tone.

"I can feel the heat, but around you, I feel a heat through my whole body."

Jasper blushed, not understanding what to say.

"You set the biggest fire inside me and I don't want you to put it out."

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