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"JASPER we need to talk."

JASPER looked up to see Lacey standing by his door. He hastily closed the folder of his most recent triumphant patient recovery. He turned his full attention to the said girl, who smiled.

She quickly went and sat in the chair on the other side of his desk, folders pressed against her chest. "What's that?" Jasper asked, raising a brow, eyeing the folders.

"We have new patients." She said, presenting them to Jasper's open hand, he grabbed them, opening one.

"These aren't my ordinary cases," Jasper confessed as he read over the disorders. Lacey nodded her head in agreement. "Yes I know, Mark was given those, but he was already booked up and couldn't take on any new patients. Since you just got finished with one, the head doctor wanted me to ask you."

"I usually work with depression and anxiety patients. This would be a whole new element." Jasper explained, shutting the folder and positioning them all down on his desk.

"Yes, I know, but your patients always get better! You are good at your job and we know it's risky to put you out of your element, but we believe that you can do it." Lacey said and she was right.

How was he supposed to know if he could handle something without ever trying it?

He nodded his head, "alright, I'll try."

She smiled widely, "thank you for trying." She said, clasping her hands together, "read over the folders and get well with them. Like you said yourself, this isn't your element, so make it." She said, winking at him and leaving.

He opened the folder and stared at the first male's profile.


Sadist hurts people for pleasure.


Jasper shivers after reading that, with other patients, he had to worry about triggering them, with Axel, and he had to worry about a male overpowering him and harming him.

He despised himself for agreeing to his, but he couldn't just give up without even attempting.

Jasper got up and left his office, Lacey looked up and smiled, "if you are willing to, I can set up a meeting for you to talk with one of your patients."

"I could." Jasper said, "Make it Axel, I'd like to meet him first."

Lacey nodded, typing away on her computer, "great! You have to be ready in five minutes."

Jasper choked, "five minutes?" He exclaimed.

Lacey laughed, "You didn't say when."

Jasper glared at her before dashing down the long corridor. He took off upstairs, which was new to him, most of his patients were downstairs.

He looked around and caught sight of two guards by every door, the doors were pure metal and he couldn't hear a sound.

He went to the door marked, 231.

The guard looked at Jasper, "you the doctor?" One guard asked making Jasper nod.

"I've never seen you up here before," the other noted.

"I'm new," Jasper admitted, looking down.

"Ah, okay." The guard said, swiping his card and unlocking the door.

"Once the door closes, we won't be able to hear you, for patient confidentiality, and once you leave the door automatically locks." One guard said as Jasper went into the room.

Axel was relaxing on his bed, his gaze meeting Jasper's.

"Oh? They brought me a toy." Axel said, smirking at the male.

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