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JASPER'S face paled at the words, his face flushing an embarrassing pink at the words.

"W - WHAT?" Jasper stuttered out. Jae let out a dry chuckle, "I don't suggest you even speak unless you're begging." Jae said, his voice deep and raspy.

"I, um-," a knock filled the room before Jasper's begs could. Harper's head came through the doorway.

Jae rolled his eyes, "what?" He spoke turning his head to look at Harper.

"We have a meeting to get to," Harper said.

"Can't you see I'm busy?" Jae growled.

Harper sighed, "I wouldn't have interrupted if I needed to. You know that this one is important. Your dad wants to talk."

Jae looked back at Jasper. "He's in subspace right now, it's too harmful to leave him."

"I'll get Axel," Harper spoke, before even allowing Jae to say anything, he was already down the hall.

Jasper watched, "I - I'm fine." He said, sitting up, "d - don't send in Axel."

Jae softly ran his hand through the doctor's hair, "you trust me, yeah?" Jasper nodded slowly.

"Axel isn't always that side you saw. He and Harper were brought up in a normal household, then turned psycho. Their parents taught them terrible things and made them believe it was normal. He has to fight with himself every day and it hurts his head. So sometimes, he caves and does what he was trained to do. Taught to do. It's like being raised to believe the Earth is flat, you will live your whole life thinking that's right until you're told it's not. Around age eighteen both of them were finally taught it was wrong and now have to try and fight who they were told to be."

"How old are they?" Jasper asked.

"Axel is twenty-three and Harper is twenty-one. So, yeah they are kinda new to being a good person." Jae said, "but they are good people."

Jasper nodded. "O - Okay."

Jae smiled, placing a kiss on the smaller male's forehead.

Jae got up, placing on some random pants that lay on the floor, unable to put them on.

"What the fuck?" Jae said, looking at the pair of jeans.

"Those are mine," Jasper said, clasping a hand around his mouth to cover his laughter.

"That makes sense." Was all Jae could say, tossing the jeans back in the ground and looking for another pair of pants, giving up he simply walked out the room naked, in search of dress pants for himself.

A moment later, Axel appeared at the door, making Jasper cover himself with the sheet. Axel laughed reaching down and tossing the smaller male a pair of basketball shorts that lay upon the ground.

Jasper slipped them on, under the cover.

"Jesus, I'm not an animal. I fuck like one, but I'm not one." Axel said, "since apparently everyone else decided to plan shit today, you're stuck with more or less I'm stuck with you."

"Don't sound too happy." Jasper retorted.

Axel crossed his arms, "I mean, I wouldn't have to babysit if you just left when we allowed you to. Go back to your job of fixing people and getting paid for it."

Jasper got up, walking towards Axel, only to walk past him and out the bedroom door.

"Don't make it seem like you have to anymore. You guys gave me my freedom and I chose to stay." Jasper said, walking downstairs, hearing Axel's heavy steps behind him.

"Which is dumb," Axel said, as he reached the end of the stairs.

"Why?" Jasper asked.

Axel scoffed, "we are messed up."

"Everyone is," Jasper said turning to face Axel.

"You can say that, yet you fear me the most out of everyone. Why? Because I killed the head doctor in front of you. You saw what I can do and how crazy I can get. There is a difference between being messed up and being me."

"Then why are you the way you are?" Jasper asked.

Axel rolled his eyes, "if you saw how my childhood was, you'd understand."

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