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HARPER's face held a demonic smile, his eyes laced with lust.

HARPER took the blade, running it down Jasper's clothed chest, before pressing just hard enough to rip the fabric. Jasper's heartbeat picked up when he felt the blade taunt his skin.

Harper grabbed the male's shirt, ripping it until it showed his chest. Making a joker-like smile fill Harper's face, as he took the blade of the knife and teased it against Jasper's skin, enjoying the reaction from the male below him.

Jasper jumped and let out a slight hiss when the blade pierced his skin, near his collarbone, leaving crimson red to appear near the fresh cut.

Harper leaned down, sticking his tongue out, licking slowly against the cut, enjoying the taste of the iron-flavored liquid.

Once the cut stop bleeding, he grabbed the blade and sliced the milky skin again, this time the slice was low, dangerously low, the flesh cut by his hip bone and fainted v-line was now bleeding, the pink color surrounding the damaged skin, only seemed to fascinate Harper more.

Jasper soon regretted this, he had little to no pain tolerance and those cuts felt like his skin was being pinched harshly, even comparing it to a paper cut, but worse.

The male above him, worked his mouth over the new cut he made on Jasper's skin, his tongue, plus the heat of his mouth felt good, but Jasper would never admit that.

The way his tongue danced over the cut, sent tingles to go through the smaller male's body, almost making up for the fact his skin had been cut.

When Harper pulled away, he had some smeared blood on his lips, making them a tint darker than usual.

The male picked up his knife, taking it and using it to slice off Jasper's pants, Harper tossed off the now ruined slacks and threw them onto the floor.

Harper's eyes lingered over the beautiful male's body, desiring to take off Jasper's boxers as well, but he knew he didn't have much self-control as it was.

He took his knife and lifted Jasper's leg, throwing it over his shoulder, he took the blade, dragging it across the skin, his eyes hungrily watching the crimson red that poured out the wound, on the smaller male's inner thigh.

He leaned down, connecting his lips to the cut, sucking on the plump flesh of Jasper's thigh, making an extraordinary noise coming from the male.

Harper's eye darted up to see Jasper's head thrown back, his eyes closed and lips parted. A proud smirk filled the taller male's face, as he nibbled on the fresh-cut, seeing Jasper's face twist in pleasure.

Harper's tongue dug into the cut, before reaching over and palming Jasper through his boxers, loving the sounds that escape the male below him.

Jasper's mind felt hazy and clouded once Harper's lips found their way to his inner thighs, it was a sweet spot, his biggest sweet spot.

It caused his mind to become unclear and all he wanted was more. So once Harper's hand started to palm him, his mind and logic were all gone. His body caved in to the dominant touches, allowing Harper to do as he pleased.

When Harper's hand reached into Jasper's boxers, stroking the male as his plump lips still worked their away around the cut, the smaller male knew he wouldn't be able to hold on much longer.

Harper sensed it, removing his lips from the cut, pulling Jasper's boxers down just enough to allow his cock to spring free. He leaned down, wrapping his lips around the male's dick, bobbing his head, slurping up his spit, from how thick Jasper's cock was.

Harper had to relax his jaw more than usual, because fuck, Jasper was thick.

Jasper's hands nuzzled their way into the soft hair, latching on, tugging at it as his hips buckled up and he came into Harper's mouth. Harper pulled away, after a few more movements.

Harper smirked, leaning up, he grabbed Jasper's jaw with his hand forcing it open, Jasper's tongue went out, due to reflect and Harper spit the cum and saliva into Jasper's mouth, who swallowed it without an issue.

"Such a good cum slut. Bet you like tasing yourself." Harper said, reaching into his pants and pulling out a key, "lucky for you, good cum dumpsters get rewards." He said, dangling the key.

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