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JAE was surprised by the soft and tender kiss, but slowly kissed back, he grabbed Jasper's cheeks with both his big hands, rubbing his thumbs gently against the skin.

JASPER hummed into the kiss, the soft touches relaxing his whole body. Jae slowly pulled away, his hands still caressing Jasper's face, his eyes locking in with the doctor's.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to your job?" Jae asked, making Jasper tilt his head, "you're giving me my freedom back and I want to spend it with you guys."

Jae chuckled softly, "trust me, after a couple of days, you'll want out."

Jasper shook his head, "I'm not like those people in your past who treated you terribly or left you by yourself when you needed someone the most. I want to stay with you guys and help where I can. I have seen all the good in each one of you and I want to stay and keep pulling that person out."

"We would never compare you to anyone in our past because you haven't given up on us as everyone else did. Cody's mother died of cancer when he was young making his whole family hate him, Harper's stepfather, which was Axel's dad, made him think lusting for blood was normal, then left him and Axel with their abusive mother, who turned Axel into the sadist he is, by forcing him to do the unspeakable thing, then she died of a drug overdose years later. Brax's whole family emotionally and mentally abused him into the mindset he is in now then sent him away." Jae said, "we know terrible people and we know you are not one of them." Jae smiled.

"What about you?" Jasper asked.

"What about me?" Jae repeated.

"You told me everyone's story, but not your own," Jasper said.

"Oh, um, my mom wasn't really in the picture, I remember my dad a lot. How he used to flip out over the smallest things and throw things. At a young age, you don't understand what's normal and what's not, so I just thought it's okay, all dads do this. He would rage a lot, threaten my mom, and leave, I remember when my mom was around she would always protect me from his anger and make sure I was okay. I admire her for that because I didn't know she was taking hits from him that was meant for me." Jae stopped taking a deep breath.

"Until one day, my mother didn't come back. I don't blame her, I just wish she took me with her. My father started to beat me, until one day he hit a nerve, that made me no longer feel the pain. I tried to see if I could feel any pain, I tried cutting myself, breaking bones, anything to feel. I just couldn't anymore. Then came the triggers, when I got older, if someone did something wrong or even slightly got me mad, I turn into this Hulk. All I felt was rage and since I didn't feel pain, I would attack them until I didn't feel like it anymore. That's why everyone is scared to trigger me."

Jasper nodded, "but you also took after your mother," Jasper said, "see how gently you are with me."

"That's because I don't ever want to hurt you," Jae whispered.

Jasper grabbed Jae's hand gently, "I trust that you won't."

"How?" Jae asked.

"You're worried, I see it in your eyes, you don't want to hurt me. It's to the point where you're overthinking to make sure you don't." Jasper said, taking his free hand and placing it behind Jae's head, pulling him near and kissing him softly. Jae kissed back, yet again appreciating the doctor's taste and touch.

Jae pulled away, placing a soft kiss on Jasper's mouth one last time, "you make me this way."

"And that's why I'm staying," Jasper said.

Jae sent Jasper his beautiful smile, "thank you."

"For what."

"Doing what no one else in our lives could."

"What's that?"


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